Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cute Dog Sweater

Cute dog too. He looks very proud to be wearing such a great sweater. Isn't it fun to spoil your pet? via

Books Welcome You.

Isn't this is a great quote about books? via

Playing House

I moved my bargain shelf to a new location in the living room and staged the shelves over the weekend. Much happier now. I polished all of my silver trophies too. Slowly but surely, I'm getting things spiffy again! The black tole lampshade for my candlestick lamp is a new acquisition. I think it's perfect, don't you. I was thrilled to find it for $3.00! [my photo]

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tabitha Says Hello

Her eyes look so much greener when she's stretched out on a apple green cashmere sweater in the bedroom. She has the best taste. 
[my iphone photo]

Log Cabin in the Snow

This looks like the perfect place to be snowed in, doesn't it? via

Monday, February 11, 2013

Beatrix Potter Original Drawing: The Mice Hear Simpkin Outside

click image to enlarge
This delightful ink and watercolor on paper circa 1902 is in the Tate Gallery in London. Simpkin is the Tailer of Gloucester's cat. He rescued these mice from under a teacup where Simpkin had hidden them and out of gratitude they are helping him finish a waistcoat for the mayor's wedding on Christmas Day. Beatrix Potter based her story on a true happening in more here.
The Tate has 22 of Beatrix Potter's illustrations from her second book which she declared was her favorite. They were presented to the museum in 1946 by the artist's executor .. read more here.
Read the entire book free online compliments of Project Gutenberg eBook

Bird in Bad Weather

It is very sloppy outside today. It is drizzling rain on top of the snow. This photo reminds me that I must pick up some bird seed after my dental appointment this morning. via

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Icicles are Gone.

These long icicles quickly melted this morning. At one point the sky was almost navy blue. What a change from yesterday. Mother Nature can be so fickle.
NOTE: Downton Abbey is two hours long tonight. Set your DVR accordingly. Can't wait!
my iphone photo