Thursday, April 21, 2011

YouTube ~ The Royal Channel

This is where you'll want to be on April 29th since The Royal Wedding will be broadcast live on "The Royal Channel" on YouTube.

Little-Known Facts About the Royal Wedding Preparations Here is one example -- it can take up to 50 hours to polish each of the pairs of boots that will be worn by the mounted soldiers escorting Prince William and Kate Middleton through London after their marriage.

French Boxwood Garden

The sun is shining brightly here at the cottage and all's right with the world. You could hide Easter eggs in this boxwood garden and most of them would probably never be found. I have some major food marketing ahead of me today. See you later. _*_

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Extraordinary Doorway to Nowhere

I wonder if this surround ever had a real opening with a door or if it was simply a decorative architectural element? If only these old walls could talk. Anyway, it's beautiful. Maybe it was the ghosts' entrance. They walk through walls, you know. *_*

BBC America | Royal Roundup: Palace Releases New Wedding Schedule

Westminster Abbey
Royal Wedding Insider: Palace Releases New Wedding Schedule Buckingham Palace has released a new timeline of events for April 29. All times are London time. For the most comprehensive schedule, combine with previous timeline. You might have to print both schedules and put them together to find out what's happening and when.

In order to figure what time all this is taking place at your house you can refer to this: 
Every Time Zone in a visual display. I live in the New York time zone and London time is 4 hours ahead. I use this time zone checker all the time. Love it.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you -- The Royal Wedding will be streamed Live on YouTube. That's really exciting for those of you who will be at work or don't have a TV set. Actually I know several people who watch everything on a computer. Isn't technology grand?

The Power of The Flower

Loving this beautiful macro shot of a flower up close and personal. Great Easter color.

Vintage Easter Postcards
Bunny Ears Napkin Folding for Easter
Bird's Nest Cookie Recipe for Easter

Disney's Little House Movie

A little house on a little hill out in the country. This is the cutest, sweetest short film and so very timely too even though it was made in 1952. I found it at the Tiny House Blog: Disney's Little House Movie "Although a cartoon, and maybe not what you expect to see here, I think it effectively demonstrates how our country's thoughts on housing have evolved through the years. It also shows why so many people today have come to realize that living more simply, in the long run, is the way to go. As most of us know, having more and bigger does not make you happier.

Thanks Disney for presenting this lesson so well for us."

Content in a Cottage

Tulips at Rockefeller Center

I love to see tulips anywhere and especially in a city setting. Isn't this photo beautiful with the sky and the flowers providing the only color? Love the perspective too. *

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anne Hathaway and Piero Fornasetti

I love Anne Hathaway and think she looks stunning against the backdrop of Piero Fornasetti wallpaper featuring the iconic face of operatic soprano Lina Cavalieri, as a motif. *_*

Piero Fornasetti
“I do not believe in eras or times. I do not. 
I refuse to establish the value of things based on time.” 

Content in a Cottage