Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Many Plates Can You Put on A Wall?

I love these white and transferware plates on the gray wall. I don't see any evidence of the usual wire plate holders and wonder how they are staying up? Maybe it's magnetic paint? Now wouldn't that be fun? Glue magnets to the back of the plates and stick them all over until you get a pleasing arrangement. via Crush Cul de Sac

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Woodworking Classes for Kids -

I made these bookends in 4th grade woodshop and my mother kept them. The colonial ladies were cut with a bandsaw and applied to the wooden backs. I cut the lid from a large can of tomatoes in half and nailed them on the bottom to hold the books in place. In another 100 years they will be folk art.

Rose O’Neal, 11, uses a crosscut saw in a miter box to cut rails for a step stool she is building in a class at the Randall Museum in San Francisco. Woodworking Classes for Kids - NYTimes Teaching children construction is gaining momentum across the country as a way to develop imagination and confidence in the very young. Watch a wonderful slideshow with 15 pictures and captions after you read the article. I am very excited about this new trend. Kids today don't learn enough practical skills to carry them through life and the trials and tribulations of homeownership and homemaking.

I think a carpenter is practically the best thing you can be in life. I took home economics starting in the 4th grade too. I know there were several other girls in my woodshop class but I don't remember any boys in home ec. These classes were in public school and I'm so glad they were offered.

Content in a Cottage

Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second in 1954

Beautiful then. Beautiful now.

Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. This painting is being auctioned in Australia. Don't fail to read the great story about William Dargie’s ‘wattle painting’ of Queen Elizabeth II. The painting, commissioned to commemorate the Queen’s first visit to Australia in 1954, became her official portrait for Australia.
Originally found via lottie tea

Content in a Cottage

Art Supplies As Art

Please do not touch or use or rearrange. We are art [supplies] -- brand new and perfectly arranged. ... - ...

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Keep Calm and Spring Will Come

I made this poster myself. Keep Calm-o-matic poster generation. You can make one too. Let me know what yours is about. Have fun.

Content in a Cottage

Cottage Castle

I hope I see something good today after the office meeting. I looked at the list last night and didn't see any cottage castles on the broker open house tour. One can always dream about them though.

Content in a Cottage

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thinking of My Bed Long Before Bedtime

It's not even 5:00 pm and I'm already thinking about how nice my bed is going to feel when I jump in it later tonight. I think a cup of tea is in order to perk me up. Dinner is already made and in the oven so I'm way ahead of myself in that department. The Animal Blog

Content in a Cottage

Are you following this chicken story?

"Inside her own private cup, Pigeon settles down to pecking and nibbling and talking to herself."

Lauren Scheuer is an illustrator, children's book author and chicken mom. She has been sharing the tales of her flock of five which includes one special needs chicken, one mean girl and one who gets tormented daily.  Read today's installment and then click on the link Lauren provides to catch up on what you have missed. Scratch and Peck: EVENING RITUAL

Content in a Cottage