I found this delightful letter in an attic years ago and it continues to delight me. Could an email ever replace getting a letter like this in the mail? Richard certainly was busy with his egg business and his bookkeeping too. He wasn't doing too well in math because 117 dozen = 1,404. I wonder if that old Pope Toledo is still around in an antique car collection? Click on the letter to enlarge it for easier reading. Boo Hoo, Old Father Rabbit is dead.
Onteora Club in Tannersville, NY was founded in 1887. Today it is a private enclave with more than 80 cottages, 6 clay tennis courts, and a private golf club. This young boy's father [E. S. Godfrey] was the superintendent in 1910. The website is divided: members and
visitors. Mark Twain is pictured below.
Have a great weekend full of Rest and Relaxation.

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