Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't Forget To Feed The Birds

[Click image to enlarge.]
Image ©Marjolein Bastin scanned from one of my favorite books entitled 'From My Window' full of the most wonderful illustrations of birds.

Have you started feeding the birds yet? I haven't but plan on putting up my feeders any day now.

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Kitchen Pantry Makeover | Very Nice Indeed

I love seeing before and after photos of DIY projects in the home. You'll enjoy this Kitchen Pantry Makeover

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Have a Magical Day

A Canon EOS 350D and image editing program Photoshop are the only tools that were used to compose images of fairy-tales. Blue skies decorated with clouds, mushrooms, hearts and books (many hearts!) are some of the elements that populate the creations of this German artist, who only three years ago discovered the world of artistic photography. (the fairy-tale by Jeannette Woitzik)

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Birthday Pound Cake | So Good

My mother had a great birthday today. She decided she wanted a pound cake and I made the one I featured recently. Recipe here. I have to say it was delicious. We ate it with Breyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Yum.

The people on the food network are always talking about baked goods with a great crumb. I think this cake would send them to the moon bragging. I heavily buttered the pan using a big pat from my cow butter dish and baked it at 375 instead of 325 for one hour. I have a gas oven and it cooks a lot cooler than an electric one. I always crank it up an extra 50 degrees on almost every recipe. I used a big round pan with a removable bottom instead of a loaf pan. Mother and I both ate a huge wedge and decided this is the recipe I should use again and again. It was easy and the only ingredient I had to shop for was the pure lemon extract. Try it, you'll like it!

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Blue Shutters with Fall Foliage

Such a beautiful scene. I love the color of the robin's egg blue shutters and their peeling patina. I wish I could see the rest of the house. via TrekEarth

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Whoooo Looks Cute? } Owl Wearing A Hat

This photo of an owl in a hat is so cute I can hardly stand it. You know how much I love owls; especially baby ones wearing knitted caps.

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Colorful Maple Leaves

>It's Tuesday and as usual I'm in a rush because I haven't even started getting ready for my weekly office meeting. It rained overnight and it is still very overcast. Today is my mom's 90th birthday and I gave her the main present at bedtime last night. She loved her new electric blanket. We are off to get our flu shots after lunch at the township health clinic. Free is good!

I photographed this colorful maple leaf several years ago. The leaf on the blue board was fresh off the ground and the one on the black background is the same leaf several days later after I pressed it under some heavy books. The maples have the best fall color, don't they? See you later.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

'Mad Men' Final Episode | Season 4

I really enjoyed last night's final episode of AMC's 'Mad Men'. My how time flies -- I can't believe Season 4 is already over. I don't want to spoil it for you in case you haven't watched it yet. Here's a recap: "There Is No Fresh Start"

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