Saturday, September 30, 2017

Gorgeous House and Setting

Simply wonderful house in the perfect setting. The addition on the right would be perfect for me. Have a great weekend. via

Friday, September 29, 2017

Screen Door Love

The time has come to take down the screen door and put up the storm door in my area but it's nearly summer in Australia. I love the way the this one matches the panels in the solid door. So nice. I don't think I have ever seen mint green as a front door paint color but it looks very nice here. via
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Laundry Room, Dog Bath, Dog Bed

This laundry room has it all. A place to bathe the dog or rinse off your muddy boots, a place for the dog to nap, and stacking full-size washer and dryer. So nice. via
Laundry Room Design: Neat and Tidy
A simple rearrangement of task areas takes advantage of vertical space to make cleanup easier for both two- and four-legged family members
Photograph by Ricky Rhodes

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Great Living Room, Nice Floors

I like this cozy setting around the fireplace flanked by French doors. The bookcase is perfect and I love these floors! via

Ivy and Brick in Charleston SC

I love this photo, especially the brick entrance walls topped with pineapple finials. The ironwork is lovely too as is the ivy on the townhouse. via

Monday, September 25, 2017

Lovely Hallway

I like it all. The painted floor, the high ceiling, the shiplap wall, the glazed door and the room beside. via

Greek Revival Cottage in NC

This charming Greek Revival cottage is located in Warren County, North Carolina. Somehow these cottages keep finding me so I can share them with you!
This image was taken by Watson Brown. You can find him on Instagram at @planterboy

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Owl Garden Art from Recycled Objects

Recycled ranch relics - by Ron Smith, USA. The birds like this owl and so do I. Have a great Sunday; it's going to be hot here getting up to 88°.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Amazing Before and After 1820 Renovation

If you look closely, this cottage is still the same, just better. Most people would have torn it down, right? Aren't you glad they had the vision to see what it could be, again? I'm so happy for the cottage and the new owners. It's fabulous! 1820 Historic Mississippi Farmhouse read the article and see interior photos too. Stunning restoration! See many more photos at Country Living Magazine.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Rabbit Warren

Oh my goodness, how very sweet. Have you ever seen anything cuter? I always thought rabbit warrens were much deeper. I count six sleeping bunnies looking so peaceful. Have a great weekend. Happy first partial day of fall too. It was quite hot here today, around 88° and the weekend will be hot as well. We had a cool August and now we are having a hot fall. xo

Watch This Pie Crust Video

Above photo found on Google Images
Pie season is upon us. A friend sent me this delightful video on how to make decorative top crusts. Watch it and be amazed. Now I want pie!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mama Owl Showing Her Babies

Aren't they cute? I never knew owls had such big families. The juveniles look like they are wearig black eye masks. via

Tiny Cottage Love

I like this sweet unlandscaped cottage in the woods. Wouldn't you like to see the inside? I would. via

Monday, September 18, 2017

Great Rescue Dog Story

The story of Reilly: a thrice-rejected Southern dog who stayed in the South and managed to have it all: family, career, public service, and his own Facebook page.
A great story about a rescue dog who was having a hard time finding a permanent home until he found his true calling. Enjoy! Now I want to visit Airlie Gardens, a public garden in Wilmington North Carolina with more than 100,000 azaleas, an unspecified number of camellias, magnolias, and wisteria, a 467-year-old oak, a butterfly house, and lakes.

Blackberries in a Basket: August Laux

August Laux 1847-1921
This lovely painting perfectly illustrates this time of year. Eat all the fresh local fruit you can because soon there will be no more. via

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Outdoor Dining with String Lights

This photo is delightful. Crunchy leaves underfoot and a string of lights between two trees overhead. The first day of fall is this Friday, September 22nd. We've had some cool weather but today was pretty warm. I have been sorting summer clothes to donate and put away for next year. Pretty soon it will be cool weather clothing only. Enjoy your Sunday evening. xo
I found the website that tells all about this fall gathering with many more photos and the story behind the evening party.

Perfect Spot to Sit and Read

This chair looks very comfortable and it has a matching ottoman and to me, that's a huge plus. The lamp is on the left and there's a side table. I love the mahogany piece against the wall and the free-standing bookcase. I wish I could see the rest of the room before I declare it perfect. via

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Gorgeous Entry Gate

This gate is truly beautiful and is perfect for the brick path and pillars. A fine woodworker executed a gorgeous design. via

Wooden Drainboard Love

There are many things to get excited about in this photo. I'm mad about the long, deep window ledge and the wooden drainboard. It looks like an old fashioned kitchen that has had a slight facelift but still looks old. Enjoy one of the last weekends of summer. xo 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Inside and Outside Simultaneously

I love French doors that open out but you have to consider deep snow if you live in the Northeast. This setting is stunning and I am sure the interior is too. via

The Nicest Office

This would be great for me. I could have all of my research books in one place and plenty of room for my tall flat files full of prints and maps. Love it. Would like to see the rest of this room please. via

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Porch with Fireplace

This is the perfect time of year for a porch like this. Bring on the hot chocolate, marshmallows on a stick, and hot spiced cider. via

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Beautiful Brick Garden Path

Absolute perfection. All of it. The home, the roof, the rustic pergola, the fence/trellis, the garden gate, the brick paths, and the flowers. Found on Google Images

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Clever Bedroom for Two Children

This bedroom fascinates me. There is so much to look at in a small space. Imagine getting two beds and two fabulous built in desks on one wall with bookcases and art galleries. Hat's off to the designer and the builder. I love it. Such a happy space for two lucky children. via

Monday, September 11, 2017

Simply Wonderful Kitchen

I love the raised fireplace, the farm table on an oriental rug, the industrial steel doors, the slate or soapstone countertop, the double farm sink and it all works just perfectly. via

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Beautiful Basketweave Pie Crust

YUM ~ Peach and Blackberry Pie with a gorgeous crust! This really makes my mouth water. via

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Cottage Chimney in Hertfordshire UK

The Old Forge Cottage in Hertfordshire England
WOW. The other side has one too. Only in England. I would love to see the size of the open fires in this cottage! Enjoy the weekend and be safe if you are in Hurricane country. xo

Friday, September 8, 2017

Acorn Season

Acorn Season is here.

I have seen green ones but no brown ones yet. I pruned my wisteria today and have decided it's a weed! Every year I cut it back severely and figure it will be dead the next year but that hasn't happened yet. Happy Friday and I hope you will be safe from Irma and recovering from Harvey this weekend. xo

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Old Photos at My Cottage

I lugged the two bottom leather cases from a flea market in England back to my Bed and Breakfast and later to the airport. They are SO heavy. The top case is fitted with the most beautiful enameled glass toiletry containers and comb and brush sets.

Everything has been arranged except for the art and the sofa and the bookcase in the far corner. It's fun to see my room the way it looked around 5 years ago.