Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lovely Christmas Tree and Wreath

I love the tree and wreath in green and red against the paneled door. via

I just saw an ad for one of my favorite programs on PBS. Call The Midwife is having a Holiday Special tomorrow night from 7:30 - 9:00. Details and short video here.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Pages 54 and 55

I told you I would post more!

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 53

More sage advice from a father to a son. It's been too long since I posted from this book -- over a year. I will post weekly until this volume is finished. I'm working hard on #695 trying to get my upstairs office in order. It has been too long since I gave this space my attention. My big PC is up here and it contains all my files for posts like this and my Photoshop editing software. I've been working downstairs from my laptop and neglecting my desktop. I know everyone will be happy to see Life's Instruction Book once again. I'm getting a jump on my New Year's Resolutions. 
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Astronaut Chris Hadfield sings - Space Oddity

A revised version of David Bowie's Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station. Click here if you can't see the video below. He has got to be the coolest astronaut ever.

I was listening to Chris being interviewed on NPR today promoting his new book, "An Astronaut's View of Life on Earth". I have only heard clips of his now famous performance of the David Bowie classic - Space Oddity. Over 19 million people have viewed it so far and now we have too.

Watch the original 1969 video by David Bowie below.

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A Tall Drink of Water

Tabitha will only drink water from Webster's dish. I think she likes it because it's nice and tall and she doesn't have to bend over to drink from it. If the water level gets too low, she lets me know. If it gets empty, Webster brings it to me for a refill. 
I worked upstairs for a long time yesterday trying to make sense of the attic again and I can see light at the end of the tunnel already. Today I must shred papers for tomorrow's recycling. I will set the timer on my iPhone and spend another hour up there this morning. See you later.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Paperwhites

My paperwhites are beautiful and I'm loving the way they act as a natural room freshener. Some people think their scent is overpowering but I like them. 
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Ice Skating and An Open Fire

via What could be better than ice skating in the snow with your friends

via and then warming up before an open fire?
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Lazy Day after Christmas

Here's hoping you don't have to work today and were able to sleep a little later than usual, as I did.

Webster doesn't like having a late breakfast. He's always famished and likes to eat early.

They have both eaten and gone outside and have now gone back to bed.

Are you enjoying the day after Christmas too? I have always loved this day and I'm looking forward to spending it indoors puttering around the cottage. 

Today is "Boxing Day" in England and Canada. I always pictured men in boxing gloves and never understood this holiday until today. It seems that the servants who had to work on Christmas had the day after Christmas as their day off and their employers presented them with boxes of presents when they departed. Thus, it became known as Boxing Day. How nice! I wonder if we will see this played out on Downton Abbey? 
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to gift wrap a cat

This just struck me as funny. I think I could have done this yesterday if Tabitha had gotten in my way when I was in super-drive-wrapping-mode.

Merry Christmas

I hope Santa was good to you.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa Claus by Thomas Nast 1881

Merry Old Santa Claus
Harper's Weekly January 1, 1881
I had one of the originals and this is my photo of the lithograph which was sold long ago. The historic Thomas Nast House is in nearby Morristown, NJ. I accomplished just about everything I set out to do today and delivered lots of local packages wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string. Really! I hope Santa is good to everyone. Merry Christmas.

I took this photo of the Nast House from my car with my iPhone in the fall.
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The Rush is On

I have so much to do today. It's Christmas Eve and I have presents to wrap, a small tree to decorate, and dishes to prepare for tomorrow. I added a border to this print I posted last year of the Christmas Hares. Maybe I'll have time for something original later. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Prince Charles playing with delight in 1949

Princess Elizabeth, the Duchess of Edinburgh, playing around with her young son and heir, Prince Charles, in 1949.

It's easy to see he was adored by his mother. I love these animated gifs, don't you? Imagine what fun they must have had at Christmas!!!! via
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Tartan Love isn't just for Scotland

I wonder what their yarn looks like? Instant tartan?

I have always loved Tartanware and I don't own a single piece.

Tartan throws over the back of the chairs at either end of this long table and tartan throws over the white table cloth laid on the diagonal complete this picture.

Tartan behind the secretary desk bookcase looks grand, doesn't it?
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Choir, by Candlelight

What a beautiful church service this must have been. via
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Santa Delivers

Click here to watch this Christmas surprise at the luggage pick-up carousel.

Isn't this the nicest thing? Poor guy who asked for underwear and socks. Doesn't this make you want to fly on WestJet Airlines?
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Friday, December 20, 2013

View from My Kitchen Window

The window over my kitchen sink is perfectly situated. I get to see the sunrise in the morning and the moonrise in the evening. What could be better? This is a southeastern exposure so the sun/moon activity starts in the trees to the far left and travels up and to the right in an arc. Tomorrow is the first day of winter and the shortest day of the year. Set your alarm and get up early so you'll have a full day of sun. I like to get home before dark, homebody that I am. How about you?
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My Staffordshire Transferware Punchbowl

The inside decoration on my huge Staffordshire punchbowl is every bit as fancy as the outside. The wide banding is repeated on the interior as well.

This transfer is on the bottom of the bowl's interior.
I'm wrapping up the semi-final stage of a real estate transaction today so all parties can breathe a sigh of relief and get on with their lives until early next year when we close. I don't know which end is more stressful, the buying end or the selling end. I'm on the happy side, representing first-home buyers. I'm really shocked at how busy we are for this time of year. It's a good sign for the economy and I'm proud to be helping. 
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sunset Sky at My Cottage Today

I almost missed this evening's fiery sky. I no sooner raised my window, leaned out to take the photo, and it was gone. This is where the sun rises every morning to the left so this is the reflection of the sunset taking place in front of the cottage. I can't see a true sunset because of tall trees. The weather has been so strange lately and now they are saying Sunday will be 66° which is at least 20° above normal. So much for a White Christmas. I know so many people who will be traveling on Christmas Day, I can't say I'm sorry. I'm glad they will probably have good weather for flying or driving. Fingers crossed.
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