Wednesday, November 13, 2013

White on White with a Touch of Grey

This entrance is fabulous! It opens to the courtyard shown below. You don't often see white shutters, do you?

Considered for demolition, this c.1950 house in Bryn Mawr PA on a 4-acre sloped and overgrown property was recovered with major renovations and additions. Besides tight spaces there was no true entry. Archer and Buchanan Architects took care of that problem and more. See more pics here. Very nice indeed.
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Salt or Unsalted?

Yesterday's snow looked exactly like rock salt.

This is actually an old concrete herb marker for "rosemary" -- if you look closely you can read the first four letters. The last four are very faint and have nearly worn away. In this photo, doesn't it look as if she's sprinkling salt on the ground?

How do you like your leaves, plain or salted?
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prince Charles Quietly Takes Charge

HRH Prince Charles in Birkhall, the private residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall in Scotland. photographs by Nadav Kander for TIME

Read short article here. I must look for this magazine at the library. I love Prince Charles.
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Birdbath in the First Snow

The snow looked like rock salt but it is gone now.
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An Apple A Day

This looks like a good one, doesn't it? It's ripening on the tree in England. via 

We had a dusting of snow this morning and it's a very gray day. 

Guess who doesn't care?
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Delightful Cottage on the Water

Lovely setting, beautifully landscaped. Don't you wish we could go inside?
Steven Gambrel, designer.
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Today is Veterans' Day

Click here if you can't see the video below.

Roger Waters and the Wounded Warrior Band featuring LCpl Tim Donley. Roger Waters lost both his father and grandfather to war. This heroic performance is so very moving. Really, there are no words. Wounded, but not broken. Watch another video about the history behind this band here.
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Sleeping with a Spotted Cow

Webster was so happy last night when I brought his spotted cow down from the third floor. It makes a perfect pillow for the wonder dog who is an expert at getting comfortable.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Trees are Bare

It's very windy outside tonight (actually it's howling down the chimney) and the few remaining leaves will probably be gone tomorrow. Hope you had a nice weekend. I certainly did. This photo is from the inside of my newly painted fence looking out. xo, Rosemary
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Rosemary Potato Kale Tart

Rosemary Potato Kale Tart with Ricotta and Parm
Click here for the recipe that makes one 9" tart. 
YUM. This looks like a great chilly November Sunday night supper, doesn't it?
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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sherlock on PBS

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm very excited that Sherlock will be following Downton Abbey in January. I've watched Season I and will watch the final episode of Season II tonight.
Have you seen it? It's a wonderful series. I don't know why I didn't watch it the first time around but I can't wait for Season III.

I'm posting the free links I used to watch the series below the photo in case you want to catch up too. I tried watching on my laptop but the annoying ads kept playing out loud while the program was running several times. SO, I emailed the links to myself and watched on my iPad. Problem solved. Full screen viewing is recommended. I LOVE this series!!!

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 1 - A Scandal in Belgravia

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 2 - The Hounds of Baskerville

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 3 - The Reichenbach Fall

Antique Farmhouse with Metal Roof

An historic dutch colonial house in Ghent, New York, has an antique standing seam metal roof in black. James Dixon Architect matched the roofing material on the addition they designed
I've always loved standing seam metal roofs. This addition is very seamless, isn't it? I was very interested in the architect's statement about metal roofs: "Because of its durability, metal roofs make a great 'green' choice. Shake roofs are lovely, but the material available today only lasts about ten years or so, compared to thirty-plus for metal." I know his statement about shake roofs is right because I have two friends with hand-cut cedar shake roofs that have been replaced or need to be replaced in fewer than 10 years. I find this quite shocking, especially since these wooden roofs are so expensive. 
Here is the link for a great article on standing seam metal roofs. The house above is the third one down. If I ever have to replace my roof, I'll certainly consider a metal one.
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The Anatomy of Apple Pies

Click here to see the large version of this photo by Michael Graydon. Apples are just about my favorite things about fall and this year they are especially delicious. My crisper drawer is full of honey crisps at the moment. Have a great weekend.
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Friday, November 8, 2013

Leaves, Leaves, Everywhere

This was my best leaf photo from our morning walk. Individually, the leaves are quite beautiful.

But not so much when they completely cover my lower driveway. I had to grab my down jacket this morning because it's very chilly. The dog and cat have both gone back to bed for a morning nap and I wish I could too. Actually, I could but will save mine until later. I can hear my rake calling me but I'm ignoring the voice in my head for now. I think I'll clean out my fireplace instead.
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Breakfast is On the Way

The eggs are boiling and Webster's waiting for one on top of his kibble and oatmeal.

I always put my eggs in cold water and bring them to a boil. Then I put on the lid and turn off the burner. In ten minutes they are perfect. Webster thinks that's too long to wait. I think I'll have mine sliced on top of a piece of buttered toast. Yum. I have no idea why I'm up so early but it's nice. See you later.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do More: Amelia Earhart

This is so true!! via
"The more one does the more one can do." 
Amelia Earhart
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A Few Minutes Between Photos

Webster was enjoying an after-breakfast survey of his domain on the balcony checking out the flocks of blackbirds that were flying around everywhere. As you can see, I mowed yesterday afternoon and did a double duty job of cutting grass and crunching/blowing the leaves. My driveway is still covered though and will require hand raking.

Moments after we came inside, it started to rain. I've always found wet leaves are much easier to rake than dry ones so tomorrow I shall do the driveway. Today is a good day for never-ending inside chores and maybe a movie. I have several TV shows to catch up on too. I searched around the internet and have successfully watched season one of Sherlock and enjoyed it very much. I hope I can find season two as well (free) because I just learned that the series starring Benedict Cumberbatch will be following Downton Abbey in January. 
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Perhaps the World's Largest Cabbage

It's so perfect and beautiful, isn't it? 
A little boy is dwarfed by a supersized cabbage in Matanuska Valley, Alaska, July 1959. Photo by THOMAS J. ABERCROMBIE for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Click here to see the full-sized photo for maximum impact!
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Lovely Woodland Fabrics

I love this fabric with original designs from nature. See more examples in Golly Bard's photostream on Flickr. I would love to have some draperies using any and all of these designs, wouldn't you?
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