Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Traditional Kitchen w/ Perfect Symetry

Traditional Kitchen by Palo Alto Architect FGY Architects
For more views of this wonderful San Francisco home, click here.

Delightful Designer Bathroom

Yes, please. I wouldn't change a thing except maybe the chandelier. I love the design of this wonderful bathroom by Shon Parker.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Don't Look - Bird Bathing

click image to enlarge
Last year at my birdbath. I have to look in the garage to see if I can find these two inserts for the faux bois birdbath that doesn't hold water very well. Done! Maybe I'll get birds then even though Tabitha is in the front yard all day long. This robin is hilarious, isn't he? I love his wet head all punked up.

Another View of My Front Garden

click image to enlarge
I hope you aren't getting tired of seeing my new wood-chipped creation. This shows how close to the road I am. But when I'm sitting in that swivel chair between the two column it's as private as can be. By being close to the road, I have full use of my property. I have a huge grove of spruce trees to the right that protects my cottage otherwise. I have new neighbors diagonally across the street and they are very nice. The inside of my cottage is a disaster. I've never been able to take care of the inside and the outside at the same time. But eventually everything gets done. See you tomorrow.

Leonard Cohen Quote

Leonard Cohen (b. 1934) has been around for a long time so he should know. via


I've never heard of this lovely little flower. I looked it up and found it's in the same family as chickweed. My grandmother was always complaining about the latter as being her arch nemesis, so I suppose stitchwort is a weed too. The flower is lovely, isn't it? I have enough weeds, so I'll pass on having this in my garden but it's welcome to invade my back field. I'll look for it. via

My Budding Peony Plants

Peony bud at my cottage this morning after a day of rain yesterday.

My peonies are doing so well this year. This is their third year at my cottage since I dug them up with permission from a lady who was having a garage sale prior to selling a house. She was the daughter of the deceased owner and she said her mother would be pleased someone wanted them. I have three plants and each variety is different. They get so much more sun this year thanks to Hurricane Sandy.

Benjamin Franklin Quote about Happiness

Fun with Quotes. I made this one here.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Antique Pocket Sundial dated 1585

An Elizabethan gilded pocket sundial by Augustine Ryther dated 1585. Made for Sir George St Paul, a Lincolnshire squire. via I can't think of anything I'd rather own at the moment even though there is no sun on this rainy Sunday.

A Wonderful Terrace

Such elegant and understated beauty. It must be delightful to sit here and enjoy the beautiful views in all directions. Now I want to see the house, don't you? via

Just for Fun

I broke down and turned on the heat yesterday and this morning to knock off the chill. I don't know if this pup is enjoying warm air or cool air but he certainly seems to be loving the breeze. via

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Skunk Cabbage in My Woods

Wet and glistening after a spring rain. I love the giant leaves of the skunk cabbage. my iPhone photo

Lilies of the Valley at My Cottage

They are finally starting to spread. I brought three pips from my old house and stuck them in the ground. Why didn't I dig up more you ask? Don't ask me but I wish I had. They seem very happy now that they have some breathing room and I think they will love the wood chips. I finished pulling up all the thistles in a back flower(less) bed and did some serious weeding. I'm going to put a very thick layer of wood chips there too. I felt a few raindrops and came in for a tomato sandwich. It's raining softly now. I just looked at my thermometer and it's 66° which is perfect for working outside. I'll go out again after the shower. Enjoy your weekend.

Chicken to Table Breakfast

Farm fresh eggs from friends around the corner.

Two eggs with cheddar cheese.

omelet |ˈäm(ə)lit| (also omelette) noun
A dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan until firm, often with a filling added while cooking, and usually served folded over.

Ta Da -- My Breakfast this morning. Have a great weekend. It is cool and overcast and rain is predicted for later. I'm going to pull thistles from the flower bed beside my mother's deck today. Will my weeding ever be finished? Sigh.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blink, Blink. Owl waking up.

Watch a video by Tara Tanaka of this western screech owl trying to wake up here. It's very cute. Gif found here.

NYC Micro-Loft with Clever Storage and Floor Plan

Click Image to Enlarge
Located at the top of a brownstone on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the footprint was a tiny 425 square feet, but the space stretched vertically for approximately 25 feet, and had access to a roof terrace. As it existed, the arrangement was so awkward that there wasn’t even a reasonable place to locate a bed or a couch. Read more about this Specht Harpman renovation here. Click on the small photos in the article to enlarge. I'm totally impressed!!!

Waiting for The Mailman

When are those baby chicks we ordered going to arrive? We want them now! via

Château de Chatillon garden, Bourgogne

click image to enlarge
Château de Chatillon garden, Bourgogne | by © Jean-Baptiste Collection via I'm really into green gardens this year.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Three Faces of Tabitha the Cat

Looking straight ahead.


Good Night.
She loves the wood chips.

Irish Country House

Photograph by Jeff McNamara. See more of this wonderful Irish Manor designed by Tricia Foley here. I love the boxwood lawn.

Wildflower/Weed Rotation at My Cottage.

Webster in the same location thinking, "Where did all the buttercups go this year?"

Answer: "They must not like being next to a standing army of dandelions."

WOW - What a Butler's Pantry

Exceptional butler’s pantry (with actual pantry) in North Carolina by designer Kathryn Long. I can only imagine what the kitchen must look like. via

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Handsome Rooster

He is gorgeous. I love to hear the crowing of a rooster in the distance. I recently met the one I can hear from my cottage. He's black and white. I've been eating fresh eggs for a week today. via

Shallow Gallery Shelves for Artwork

This is such a great idea for a collector of framed artwork. No more holes in the walls when you get something new and want to display it. via

Front Garden at My Cottage

Here is another view of my freshly restored front entrance. I'm liking it more and more. I'm calling it my unGarden. Sometimes you have to rip most of your plantings out and start afresh. I shall be very picky about what goes in from now on. Herbs in pots will come next. Click photo to enlarge.

First Look: Cottage Wood Chips Finished

I am finally finished with my wood chip project. I'll take more photos later when this area is shaded. The cool weather we've been having is the only thing that made this possible. I still have some tweeking to do but thought you might want a quick peek at the fruits of my hard labor. I've never had furniture in the front but thought I might enjoy sitting out here when it's too hot in the back later this summer. It's close to the kitchen for cold glasses of iced tea with mint. Click photo to enlarge. I filled up lots of holes around the property with the weeds I dug up and carted away. Now I'm off to some realtor open houses. 


So cute. Tabitha doesn't do cute. She's all business - eat, go out, sun herself, nap, eat, go to bed. via