Saturday, July 7, 2012

Do You Wander?

I would love to be wandering in the snow too! Stay cool if you are in the heatwave zone and have a good weekend. via

Friday, July 6, 2012

French Bulldog says Goodnight

Piggy is in the most uncomfortable looking position with his head propped up against the sofa arm but he's snoring away in the coolness of the a/c. I'm off to bed myself and Webster tucked in ages ago. We had a pretty exhausting day. I vacuumed and Piggy chased and barked after the beast. His humans don't have an upright. Cleaning wore us both out. Have a good weekend and stay cool.

Wonderful Airstream Campsite

This is a wonderful image, isn't it? Do these people camp at the same spot every year, thus the hollyhocks? I love the awnings. I've always thought this would be the perfect way to travel...with your bed always with you. Have you ever camped or vacationed in an airstream? via

Piggy Enjoys The Morning Sun

We are having a very nice morning here at the cottage. Piggy is stretched out watching me work in the kitchen and he doesn't know I sneaked up on him from behind. It's supposed to be another scorcher but so far the morning is very pleasant. The forecast is for 91 today and 100 tomorrow. Oh dear, I'd better turn the A/C on again.

Beautiful Symmetry

I would love to be standing on the other side of this door looking out. This is a lovely entrance, isn't it?  via

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Old-Fashioned Summer Fun: Diving Dock

Goodness. I would have loved something like this as a kid. Have you ever seen anything more dangerous looking? Or more fun? Unfortunately, those carefree days of summer are gone forever. This must be a very old photograph because the men's suits have tops.  via

Library Art Gift Wrapping Craft Room

Every home should have one of these! via

Multi-Purpose Bedroom | Nice!


It's charming. I love the red accessories, the blue and white painted floor, and the paneled walls and ceiling. It's very cheerful and filled with natural light. Very nice indeed. This would be the perfect guest suite, wouldn't it? via

Piggy Sleeps with an Elephant

I can't find the tiger stuffed toy that Piggy normally sleeps with when he comes to visit. He seems just as pleased with this elephant because it has a squeaker inside, and that's a good thing! I took this iPhone photo last night to send to his humans. How could they NOT be missing this cutie pie?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Are you enjoying July 4th so far?


I'm sure I have already posted these images---maybe last year. I found them saved to my computer with no information on the original sources....sorry. Pretty soon it will be dark and the fireworks will begin. Enjoy the display in your town. I've had a great holiday so far and hope you have too.

Happy July 4th from My Cottage Kitchen

This was the only thing I could come up with quickly and easily to wish you all a fabulous Independence Day. We are having a lazy July 4th here at the cottage and I am enjoying it to the fullest. Piggy is sleeping on the sofa next to my mom and I think Webster has gone back to bed. Tabitha is stretched out in a cool shady spot. My refrigerator is full of nice cold foods that require no cooking but I'll probably grill a burger later. Enjoy our nation's birthday.
[my iphone photo]

Breakfast at My Cottage

We all slept very late this morning. I almost never get the chance but today my feet didn't hit the floor until 9:30 and it was wonderful. The animals have all been fed and the coffee is made. People will be fed last, as usual. We had an early morning shower that cooled things off a bit and my a/c was turned off before bed so all is well in my neck of the woods with 77 degrees at mid-morning. I'm not bragging, just saying. I know so many of you are sweltering. Try to run through the sprinkler or something like that to cool off in a fun way. See you later. Piggy has discovered the ottoman fan and he loves it. Happy July 4th everyone!!!
[my iPhone  photo of Tabitha and her cute cat dish]

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Webster Says Goodnight

Webster is exhausted. It's been a long day supervising the refrigerator repairman, helping inspect all the groceries that came into the house, and being told that Piggy was coming tonight for a sleepover and will be staying until Sunday. Such excitement. Have a great July 4th tomorrow. Our watermelon is in the fridge so we are all ready!!

Garden Art: Old Figural Lawn Sprinklers

The Monkey sprinkler brought $9,000 at a recent auction. All photos provided by John and Nancy Smith.

The Mermaid is a sprinkler with style and grace.

Bradley and Hubbard, one of the premier metal casting companies, produced this Mallard sprinkler.

Bradley and Hubbard produced this sitting frog sprinkler.

This Wood Duck sprinkler was produced by Nuydea.

This Frog on Globe sprinkler was also produced by Nuydea.
Read full article here.

All of the above photos ©John and Nancy Smith

Do you have any of these stashed away in the garage, garden/tool shed or at a relative's house? Why not look and see what you can find. I think they are wonderful. Are you a Garden Art Collector?

Wheelbarrow Garden

I love this old wheelbarrow full of flowers to be planted. What a spectacular setting! via

Inside A White Morning Glory

My wild morning glories are insect magnets. All I have to do is stand in one place and watch them fly in and out. After the wasps started buzzing around I decided to go inside and have another cup of coffee. See you later.
[my iPhone photo]

Monday, July 2, 2012

Throw Open The Windows

I have been so happy since I was able to open the windows in my cottage last night and today. I really dislike being sealed in an air conditioning unless it's absolutely necessary. I know so many people who never open their windows. They just go from heat to air conditioning with nothing else in between. Not me....I'm the original fresh air person who loves hearing the sounds of the outside world. How about you? 
[my iPhone photo from a charity house tour]

White Wild Morning Glories

I'm thankful for these wild vines growing near my cottage because I'm out of sugar and can't make any nectar for the hummingbirds until I go to the store. The hummers love these deep-throated flowers and so do the bees. I have a refrigerator repairman coming tomorrow so the birds will just have to wait another day. Mother and I have been using powdered sugar in our iced coffee. I could make some nectar with that but I don't know the right proportions that would equal the recipe I use with granulated. Better not upset their scientific substitute, right? [my iPhone photo]

1809 Invitation to a Pleasure Ball

"While we live, let us LIVE."
I love this quote.
Oh, the excitement of receiving this invitation to a PLEASURE BALL. Miss Lydia Goulet's heart must have been racing at the prospect of an early afternoon dance until an undetermined hour. Would Mr. Darcy be there? I wonder if Jane Austen was invited too? I looked it up and May 30, 1809 was on a Tuesday. How odd, that doesn't sound very exciting at all now. But maybe it was. I can hear Maggie Smith's voice in my head saying...WHAT is a weekend? I guess everyday was a Saturday to a certain class. via

Cranky, Sleepy Cat | Tabitha + Webster

After the shower yesterday around supper time Tabitha wanted to take a nap so she hissed at poor Webster who wasn't doing a single thing to annoy her except being on the same planet. Notice the placement of the puddles.

Same position. Head in puddle. Sound asleep.

Nice cool wet deck wood = sweet kitty dreams.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Here's Webster

He's as handsome as ever, isn't he? We had a quick thunder shower right after supper that cooled things off a little and Webster was glad. We have been running the central air plus our vintage circular ottoman fan and Webster all but wraps his body around it. When we go out in the heat of the day he can't wait to get back in the house. 

The Line Up | Cats Seeking Shade

Cats are so smart. Are you this good at finding a patch of shade? Keep cool and I hope you have power. via

Gooey Chocolate Skillet Cake Ice Cream Sundae Recipe

This recipe for Gooey Chocolate Skillet Cake Ice Cream Sundae is the best use for my iron skillet yet!!! I just died. Click here for the recipe. It's all the way at the end after all the drool worthy photos.

Remember the Birds

In all this heat, it's a full-time job keeping all of the birdbaths filled with fresh water for my fine feathered friends. My iPhone Photo

Delights From and For The Garden

It's a very nice composition, isn't it?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Architect's Own Dream Beach House

I'm only showing the bedroom of this fabulous house in Northern California's Stinson Beach designed by and for Architect Lewis W. Butler. I can't wait for your comments after you see the rest of the tour. I promise you'll be blown away just as I was! Use the arrows side center in each photo to navigate the tour.
first discovered here

Geometric Floor w/ Mariner's Compass

This hallway floor is very well thought out with full diamonds on either side of the mariner's compass within an oval. This design uses the natural floor with stained diamonds and focal motif. I like the outside border too. I toured this house recently. Have a great weekend!

Deformed Sheep Gets Custom Wheel Chair

NEW FLEECE OF LIFE...Buster can now spend time in the fields with the rest of the flock at Clough Farm Animal Sanctuary in Stockport UK. Vets recommended that he be put down as a deformed leg meant he could barely walk but volunteers at the sanctuary were determined to find another solution. Instead they raised enough money to give Buster his own custom-made wheelchair. Now isn't that a great story to start your weekend? I'm so happy for this beautiful animal!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Lacecap Hydrangea - No Border

Here is my previous photo with no border. Now you can decide which you like better. 

Lacecap Hydrangea at My Cottage

We had a heavy shower overnight but by morning it had stopped. I took this photo with my iPhone while the raindrops were still on the blossoms of my lacecap hydrangea. I'm having fun with that free iPad app from Martha Stewart called CraftStudio. It's fun adding decorative borders. Or do you think it's too much?

Things To Do -- Every Single Day

White Country Kitchen to Love!

I like the layout of this kitchen with its open shelves for displaying special collections and its clean country lines. There is even a Chippendale mirror on the wall above the built-in microwave. I could be very happy here. via