Sunday, April 11, 2010

Flowers Growing In The Grass

My grass could use a good cutting but I can't make myself mow over the grape hyanciths and wild white violets. Could you? I just learned that the New Jersey State Flower is the common meadow violet. Maybe that's why I have so many. I have purple ones too but I love the contrast of the white ones against their dark green leaves and the grass. They have such sweet pansy-like faces.

Images captured this afternoon in my front yard with my Nikon D40 + Nikon 18-200 lens.

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Reading In A Pretty Chair

I've always loved the charming illustrations of Jessie Wilcox Smith. These two children reading together in a wonderful wing chair slipcovered in chintz is one I haven't seen before. It's perfect for today since they seem to be dressed in their Sunday best.

via Booklover

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Justin Bieber + Tina Fey SNL Rehearsal

I should have stayed up last night to watch this. Did you see Saturday Night Live? I must admit that I'd never even heard of Justin Bieber until I saw all the promos but now I love him too.

He has a new Audio CD: Justin Bieber ~ My World 2.0

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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 9

I like the last one on this page. Some people don't live up to their relatives and others surpass them. Focus on the individual. It's a beautiful sunshiny Sunday here at the cottage and the spring leaves that are beginning to pop make the trees look like impressionist paintings. Have a great day, Rosemary.

Other titles by this author ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cabot Cove Cottages ~ Kennebunkport, Maine

Looking for the perfect summer vacation spot? I just found a wounderful place for you to consider. May I come too? Cabot Cove Cottages

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Shelf Over The Door | Weekend Project

This looks like a fun weekend project that would be rather easy. via Home Depot + Poppytalk.

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A Real Stork's Nest

I've always wanted to see a genuine stork's nest. There is a cottage nearby with a replica build on the roof that I must photograph before the trees hide it completely. This is wonderful, isn't it? Found on Pixdaus.

Where There's A Will, There's A Way

I hope you can find a friend to help you do the things you can't do by yourself this weekend. This photo made me smile and I hope it brightens your day as well. Have a great Saturday, Rosemary.

a place to love dogs

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Have A Great Weekend

I hope your weekend includes quality time on a porch swing

and a nice long drive down a country road lined with miles of rail fencing. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Enjoy yourself whatever you do.

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Lavender Farm in British Columbia

I would love to see this British Columbia lavender farm in person, wouldn't you?

via Pixdaus

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Friday Bluebird Fix

There is a lot of activity in all the holes of this birdhouse with bluebirds building nests in each compartment. I never knew they liked communal living but I guess I was wrong. I snapped this photo from my attic studio. The second pic was cropped from the first to show you the bird up close. I never get over the thrill of seeing such beautiful plumage. They really are the birds of happiness. I hope you have a happy day too.

UPDATE: I just added the third photo. Look closely and you'll see the female taking nest-building material into the hole. The male just hangs around looking beautiful or perches on top of the house acting as the lookout.

I currently use Adobe Photoshop Elements for all my photo editing.

View This Morning From Webster's Window

It rained all night and it's much cooler today as promised. I took Webster out for a nice morning walk with coffee cup in hand. The skunk cabbage is getting huge and everything smelled so nice and fresh.
I am sitting at my computer with my second cup of coffee and Webster is sitting at his window surveying his domain. This is what he sees. I focused my lens on his head for the first shot and on the view for the second shot. He's a lucky dog, isn't he? The birds are singing, the trees are budding, and everything is bright green. Happy Friday. Have a great day. Rosemary and Webster.
My photography equipment:
Camera ~ Nikon D-40
Lens ~ Nikon 18-200 zoom with vibration reduction.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Service Dog Helps Disabled Surfer

This is so inspirational. Watch the video, you'll be so glad you did. Dogs are wonderful, aren't they?

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More Galley Kitchen Love

You already know how much I love a galley kitchen. You can't go wrong with black and white or all white can you? I love the transom windows in the last photo. I'm not entirely sold on the black cabinets in the first kitchen but I'm wild about the floor. I think I'd be happier in the second kitchen with the white cabinets. I love all that glass too so I could feel as if I were inside and outside at the same time. Which one do you like?

first two photos | third one via

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