Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Who's Sleepy?

Isn't this the most beautiful owl you've ever seen? I'm tucking early tonight and can't wait to jump under the covers. Busy day tomorrow. via

Wonderful Shingled Cottage

LOVE . L O V E . LOVE this in every way. via

Monday, January 19, 2015

Great Firewood Organizer

This is a very clever design. Everything you need for an open fire in one spot. Love it! via

MLK: The Dream Continues

The Dream of Reconciliation via The Huffington Post featuring the cover of the New Yorker.

Diving Dog Surfaces Otterly Surprised

Here's your Monday Morning laugh.

I've seen this photo several times and it never fails to make me smile so I thought I should share. Mother Nature is playing nice today and that makes me happy too. xo

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

I keep looking out the window fully expecting my back yard to look like the two photos above. This day has been awful starting out with black ice, then rising temps and pouring rain. My gutters are flowing freely and the house is nice and warm so I don't really mind. I had real estate appointments that were rescheduled, thankfully. There has been almost no traffic on my street so most people didn't bother to go out. The first time I did, I lost my footing and down I went but I'm fine. Webster was slipping and sliding too and Tabitha was not amused. What an terrible day! Tomorrow is supposed to be fine. I'm sure the areas around The Great Swamp are under water.

Good Advice.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Charming Cottage

This looks pretty perfect, doesn't it? via

Winter Antiques Show in NYC. Will you be going?

POTTER, Beatrix. The Tailor of Gloucester. Privately printed in London for the author, December, 1902. Original pictorial pink boards. Housed in a custom chemise and half morocco slipcase. Offered at $32,000. Read more.

Click here for the list of exhibitors.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Simpkin at the Tailor's Bedside - Beatrix Potter Watercolor

One of twenty-two original watercolors circa 1902 for The Tailor of Gloucester, Beatrix Potter's second and favorite book. The collection is in the Tate in London. via

Black with A Touch of White

I don't know why, but this house fascinates me. I want to go inside and check it out. Remember when I was trying to decide what color to paint my cottage and I was thinking of a dark color? I'm glad I went with all white. 

It's very interesting inside too. This cabin in Quebec is a rental. See more photos here. All photos by Jean Longpré.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Baby Elephant Sweetness

Baby Elephant to Mother:
"Let me hold your tusk so I won't get lost." 

Thomas Jefferson Triple Hung Window

Here's another window that doubles as a door when you open it from the floor. It wasn't long ago that I'd never seen one but now that I'm looking I see them more and more. What a great idea. Isn't this paneled room fabulous? See you later. via

Monday, January 12, 2015

Library in Michelle Williams Brooklyn Townhouse (Recently Sold)

You can never have too many bookshelves, can you? I always like to see how the movie stars live. Want to see more? Click here for the complete tour, inside and out. It was listed for $7.5 million and someone paid over asking and it sold for $8.8 million. How nice!

Fire in The Sky and A Book

This photo stopped me in my tracks this morning. Can you imagine waking up to a sunrise like this? It would be like being on top of the world, wouldn't it? via
I had a very interesting weekend. On Saturday morning I woke up to a very cold house with no heat. I immediately called the emergency hotline at the gas company and arranged an appointment for service by or before noon. Later, I was notified he would be much later. Then I called my plumber as a backup. The gas company guy came around 1:30 and it took him a while but he finally located the problem. I was thrilled. The pilot light was out and he needed to replace a defective thermocouple, whatever that is. The bill was very reasonable too. I called and canceled the plumber.
I started a roaring fire in my living room fireplace in the morning and kept it going until I went to bed. It was so nice. The pets liked it too. All is well this morning with a freezing rain. I'm on the last 100 pages of a great book so that's what I'll be doing until I finish it today. 

"A fast-moving tale about the world of rare books. A wonderful story with absolutely superb casting." read more here. It's a nice fat book too -- 466 pages. I really don't want it to end. See you later.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Rally in Paris

I am watching the live coverage of the march on BBC World News and it's like being there with no commercial breaks. I got this AP photo from their online website. Watch if you can.
View the New York Times coverage of the Anti-terror Rally here.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Great Reading Area Under the Stairs

Isn't this a clever use for an entrance hall. I love the bookshelves going up the twisting stairs and on the landing. More interior photos of this 18th century farmhouse here.

Have a great weekend. See you later. xo

Friday, January 9, 2015

J.R.R. Tolkien Quote

Middle-earth looks very beautiful, doesn't it? via

Biography of Alan Turing -- 1996 BBC Film: Watch Online

A biography of the English mathematician Alan Turing, who was one of the inventors of the digital computer and one of the key figures in the breaking of the Enigma code, used by the Germans to send secret orders to their U-boats in World War II. 
If you cannot see the YouTube Video below, click here.

I found this film that I shall watch today after reading this article from The LA Times. I'm so glad I read it because the 2004 film HAWKING that I have already shared here is being repeated on Thursday on the Discovery channel in celebration of Stephen Hawking's 73rd birthday. I might watch it again on the big screen. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Heartbreak in Paris

The French satirical magazine was named after Charlie Brown. My heart is broken too by the dreadful terrorist acts. The flag in my town is flying at half mast. 

Henry David Thoreau Quote about Minimalism

This quote is new to me and I love it. I learned this lesson at a rather early age. I used to want "things" badly and didn't get them. Later, I found I really didn't want them after all so it was a good thing I didn't get them. I can vividly remember thinking I would die if I didn't get kissing ram gold earrings. They were expensive and I never got a pair and later on I was glad. From that time on, as a young adult, I wasn't that tempted to follow fads because I knew they were fleeting.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Garden Pavilion at Monticello

There are those windows again that go all the way to the floor. I love the caption on this photo I found for you this evening: "FOR THE LOVE OF MONTICELLO Thank you, Thomas Jefferson, for understanding that contrary to modern American sentiment - size does NOT matter, and that a single room garden pavilion can bring you to your knees." Well said. 
Found here.

Amazing New Bathroom in An Old House

This room is absolutely stunning. I love the built-in cabinetry on either side of the shower door. I'm so glad the homeowners left the old wide board floor. Don't you wish we could see the rest? Later today I shall try to find more photos of this fabulous room. I've just finished my coffee and now my oatmeal is calling me. xo

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Beautiful Snow Scene

I was able to take care of my snow today with a stiff broom. I had to go out pretty early this morning and driving was not fun. After my office meeting and a trip to the post office I spent the rest of the day at home getting stuff done. We've all been fed, the animals have been walked, and I'm looking forward to an evening of television. Hope you enjoy your Tuesday night too. via

A Light Dusting of Snow this Morning

The snow at my cottage this morning looks about like this. Disregard everything else in this York England photograph. It's very fine and falling fast but the forecasters say it won't amount to more than two inches. I have learned to disregard almost everything they say and plan for the worst. Tabitha and Webster didn't stay outside very long for their morning outing. It's definitely a stay-inside day. See you later. via