Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Window Box

We are having a nice warm day today. I love this concete built-in window box full of spring flowers. It's very inspiring. I like the reflection in the window too. via

Nautical Steps

I love the star cutouts on the closet doors and the boat themed nautical rope bannisters going up the stairs. Found here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Inside a Seaside Cottage

A country sitting room of a seaside cottage with timber roof, beams and iron girders, built in shelving, sofa, upholstered armchairs, wicker baskets, sisal rugs and more.

Are you in love yet? I certainly am!!! Click HERE for a complete house tour with many, many fabulous photos. I am ready to be teleported there now, aren't you? I have always loved a beautiful thatched roof.

Great Work Schedule with 11 Commandments

These principles can be applied to almost any profession. Henry Miller had it all figured out, didn't he? I so admire discipline and a good work ethic. No multi tasking allowed.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blowing in The Wind

I love the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair. Obviously this sheep does too. Shearing season is just around the corner. via

Doc Martin Season 5 -- Martin Clunes Interview

He is so different person. I can't wait for Season 5 to arrive in the US on PBS. It is one of my very favorite shows. Are you a fan too? Click here if the video doesn't show on my blog.

Did you know there is a website called Doc Martin Series 5?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Angry Bird

I've never played the game Angry Birds, have you? This owl could be he poster child for it. He's probably not angry at all. His eyes look absolutely electric, don't they? Have a great weekend. via

Literary Map of Great Britain

Map of Literary Britain and Northern Ireland. This original hand-lettered poster features 181 writers was designed by Geoff Sawyers. Available for purchase here. First noticed here.

The real story behind 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster

Watch this very enjoyable short film that tells the true story behind the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster discovered by the proprietors of an old book shop in England. I downloaded their [free] Keep Calm App to my iPhone and love it. I can't wait to play around with it. I am such a child. Click here if you are unable to watch this video on my blog. I promise you are going to like it ! ! !

Screen shot of the Keep Calm app for iPhone and iPad. Download here.

Leaning tower straightened

I love this. I can't stand anything that's crooked. I always have the grid visible in my camera and the straightening tool is one of my favorite things. I used to do custom framing and I'm glad I did not have to cut this double mat for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Have a great weekend. via

Friday, March 9, 2012

Full Moon Last Night

I took this photo of the full moon last night with my iPhone. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Have a great weekend. Goodnight.

Tool Collection Extraordinaire

What do you collect? Isn't this an amazing tool collection? I love the beautiful arrangement. I own a lot of these things but never considered hanging them on a wall. Very cool! via

Working Shoes

I was quite happy yesterday working in the field at a septic inspection. I find that if I wear my contractor clothes I get a much better job from the hired workers. I'm happiest in this kind of clothing too. You have to wear many hats shoes in this life and thankfully I am experienced in almost all aspects of home building and maintenance. My weakness is housework. This photo is my actual foot at the end of the day yesterday. It's too much trouble to take them off each time I walk in the door so I leave little clods of mud all over the house. I am my own worst enemy :>)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Alliums are such showoffs.

The ornamental alliums are one of the easiest and most carefree ways to extend the spring bulb display into June. via Old House, Old Garden

A kitchen to shout about!

Wouldn't it be fun to slide on this floor in your sock feet? It's big enough to get a good running start. And then you could shout for joy up to the clerestory windows. (Windows set in a roof structure or high in a wall, used for daylighting.) via

Please Save Me A Bite!

Piggy isn't here but we still talk about him. My mother was eating some chocolate and he didn't get a bite because dogs aren't supposed to eat any -- but he did get to lick the soup bowl. I hope he misses us. Webster doesn't seem to care one way or another. He likes being only dog or guest host equally well. It's supposed to be 66 degrees today with spring in the air.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I love a glass-front bookcase full of fine leather bindings. Is there anything any nicer? via

Dark Room

I think I could spend a lot of quality time in that chair with my feet propped up on that great ottoman. I like the dark charcoal paint on the walls and shelves too. It's a great winter room. via

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bird of Many Colors

Coat of many Colors by Davidgois. I love this bird's choice of feather colors...simply gorgeous! via

Another View of the Estate Cottage with Greenhouse and Gardens

It will be a while before I can take another picture showing spring blooms and foliage. In the meantime, here is the other view I have showing more of the cottage. Be patient and I'll make every effort to go back and take more pictures.

Traveling with Your Books

For the person who has everything, a traveling library case by Louis Vuitton. See more legendary trunks here.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Estate Cottage with Greenhouse and Garden

As usual, I like the estate cottage better than the mansion. I didn't get any closer because my group was in a hurry. Next time, I'll go alone and see what it's like inside. It will be spectacular later on when things are in bloom. I took this iPhone photo just as it was starting to rain a few weeks ago.

A Real House for Owls

This house is approved for renovation by the owls. They are watching for someone to step up to the plate. via

I love all the attention to detail in this shingle style home by Birdseye Disign first spotted here.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Colored Stripes in Nature

I wish I had a random width blue and white striped rug like this for my bedroom. via

Cozy Dining Room

I really love this casual dining room with the raised hearth fireplace, a farm table, windsor chairs, and built-in bookcase. via