Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thru My iPhone Lens This Afternoon

Deep blue sky at the end of a winter day.

I learned how to 'lock' the focus and reframe. Love this feature.

The barberry bushes started losing their leaves overnight.

Another shot with the focus 'locked' on the bark to the right.

This tree is losing all of its bark in big sheets. These photos were taken before dinner on the same walk I take every day with the wonder dog. Eventually I'll probably run out of things to photograph. Won't you be glad? Smile.

1664 Engraved Title Page by William Vaughan

A Booke Containing such Beasts as are most Usefull for such as practice Drawing, Graveing, Armes Painting, Chaseing, and for severall other occasions. 'Design'd by F: Barlow' and 'Ingraved by Wm. Vaugha[n] 1664'.
Engraved title page in the collection of the British Museum
Publication details at top: 'Sould by Iohn Overton at ye White Horse Without Newgate. where you may haue Severall Bookes for ye same uses'.

Pied Piper in Training

The Audience: I love this concert for one cat. via

Read and Heed this Dalai Lama Quote

This really gave me pause for thought:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Almost Time to Say Goodnight

image credit

Nothing makes me sleepier than images of sleeping dogs. Webster has already gone to bed and I'm not far behind. I'm looking forward to watching REVENGE on TV tonight. Goodnight. See you in the morning.

Airplane Inspired Bathroom Fixtures

I love these deco bath fixtures by Lefroy Brooks. I snapped the photo with my iPhone from the February 2008 Architectural Digest.

Natural Bench

I love everything about this photo, especially the bench on which to sit to soak in all this beauty.

Dog Speak Using No Words

I see you left some milk in the bottom of your cereal bowl this morning.

If you're finished, may I have it? Please.

A Fabulous Dining Room

A big trestle table in a beautiful room looking ready for a gathering of hungry guests. At least someone has it all together. I love the ceiling and the columns that define the dining area of a big open space. via

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Late Afternoon iPhone Photos

It was a cloudy day today but we didn't have any rain. Webster and I took a walk before dinner. This photo looks to the rear of my property. I mowed yesterday.

Heading home. Doesn't it look nice with a short haircut?

The distinguished Mr. Webster who is really hard to photograph since he doesn't like to stand still. I love his amber eyes.

An ancient black walnut in the front near the road. I fantasize about the little animals who are living inside this hole.

A Norway spruce I grew from a seedling. I had two men here this morning with a chainsaw cleaning up some fallen limbs and trees that were too big for me to deal with. Now I can finish my fall cleanup.

The end. Time to go inside and cook dinner.

Antique Tile

I picked up this wonderful unmarked antique tile recently.
I love the hand-painted pomegranates.

Seeking Calm

I do this too. Do you? Calmly seeking order.

Tiny Cottage Kitchen

Do you see clutter or do you see charm? I see the latter. via I'm off to an office meeting and open house tours. I'll have my iPhone in my pocket in case I see anything worth sharing. Later . . .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Plaid Rooms | Architectural Digest

A couple with three teenage sons looked to Elissa Cullman to make their new house in Colorado ski country cozy but not clichéd. The “mountainy theme-park look, with antlers everywhere,” as the homeowner puts it, was not going to work. For the main living area of the attached barn, Cullman devised a fresh Western look with a jolt of color provided by red tartan sofas. (June 2010) Photo: David O. Marlow

“I think of my home as my showplace,” says Glasgow art dealer Anthony Ferrie, but, he adds, “comfort can never be secondary.” He outfitted his bedroom in a blue-and-white palette (he finds the two colors very restful); the plaid curtains and regal framed prints lend the space a cosseted atmosphere. (September 2006) Photo: Durston Saylor

See more plaid rooms in the December 2011 edition of Architectural Digest.

Kitchen Table on a Monday Morning

My kitchen looks as if a cyclone when through. Does your kitchen table act as the collection point for things to put away, throw away or deal with like mine does? What a mess!

Bathroom Bike | Fun Interior Design

How much do I love this? Lots!
Someone was thinking outside the box. via

Sunday, November 13, 2011

iPhone Photos for Today

The trees are almost bare but some of the thorny bushes in the woods still have some brilliant color.

I thought you said we were going to work....not play around with the camera phone. So far, we've only pruned seven boxwood around the garage. Let's go load some firewood.

The freak winter storm we had recently broke off a big branch on the Japanese maple tree. Here is a twig against a shag bark hickory.

I just finished a light lunch. Guess Webster wins. Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off back to work we go.

Library Lust

Library in a grand apartment in Naples via Architectural Digest.

Private study off the dressing room.
More photos here.

Beautiful Collars

Collars ---- remember these?
I once had so many to wear with the sweater sets of my youth.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bookcase in My Bedroom

Here's a portion of my cocoon-like bedroom. It's only big enough for a double bed with a table on one side and a floor lamp on the other. It has a window on either side and I love it. Small is the new big. This bookcase was an afterthought when my renovation was going on. It was designed for the living room but I didn't like the way it looked there and it turned out to be perfect here. I honestly can't imagine my bedroom without it. 

Mudroom of My Dreams

I absolutely adore this mudroom. Have you ever seen a better one? I haven't.

A Winter Garden

This beautiful photo sort of jolted me into making a list of all the winter-related tasks I need to do today before the weekend is over. 
  • Drain hoses and store them in garage.
  • Turn off water supply to outside faucets and drain them.
  • Spread more wood chips before pile freezes.
  • Buy some paperwhites to force.
  • Bring in more firewood.

The first two items are the most important. Have a great weekend and I'll see you later.

Friday, November 11, 2011

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

"In Flander's Field" is a memorable poem that was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in a cemetery in the Flanders region of Belgium on May 3, 1915, the day after the death of his young friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer.

Perhaps the most famous poem written during World War I, these simple but powerful fifteen lines, and the poppies they immortalize, have come to symbolize fallen soldiers. I thought this was a perfect remembrance for Veterans Day. My town had a little ceremony under the flag pole and a number of veterans in uniform attended.

Image: Painting by Willy Werner -- History of Veterans Day

French Wall Sconce

I just ran across this gilded figural wall sconce I bought years ago. It is not wired and has an odd (European) bulb holder so I really can't use it unless I convert it to hold a candle or have it rewired.

Adele sings 'Someone Like You' in her own home [video]

It's almost impossible to listen to the radio for any length of time without hearing Adele sing this beautiful song. I was delighted to find a video of her sharing the history of this song and then to be able to hear her sing it live from her home. The house tour is amazing. I'm glad she has a sweet little dog. Watch and listen here.

Coffee Cup on My Assistant's Head

I had a request for a picture of my folk art assistant with my coffee cup on his head. Here it is before my first sip of the day.  See how handy it is to have such a great item? The edge is burned from the days someone used it as a smoking stand. I'm sitting just to the left. Aren't you glad I don't have to reach 'all the way' over to the coffee table each time I want a sip of coffee while I'm blabbing blogging?

Remember to make a wish at 11:11 am today (11/11/11). You'll have to wait 100 years to do it again. You might as well stay up late and make another wish tonight at 11:11 pm. It can't hurt and remember to wish big.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Delightful Hot Spring in Japan

Shirahone Onsen 
'White Bone' Onsen (hot spring), named for the milky blue white minerals that make this water opaque. Wouldn't this be a delightful place to soak before bed? All that would be required is a trip to Japan. via Flickr