Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Painted Porch Floor

I couldn't have done a better job myself laying out the diamonds on this painted porch floor. Whole white diamonds edge to edge and half black diamonds making the border. It takes a lot of math to figure out a pattern using only full diamonds and half diamonds. Very nice indeed.


15th Century BOOK OF HOURS - Heart-Shaped When Opened

The little book of hours of Amiens Nicolas Blairie, carefully written on a thin Ruling rose, but modestly decorated with some original illuminations in ink (folio 29), has the curious shape of an almond when it is closed. When it opens, the two halves of the almond bloom to fit the contours of a heart, concrete evocation of the heart of the person praying the prayer that opens.

The Book of Hours was a devotional book popular in the later Middle Ages. It is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript. Like every manuscript, each manuscript book of hours is unique in one way or another, but most contain a similar collection of texts, prayers and psalms, often with appropriate decorations, for Christian devotion. Illumination or decoration is minimal in many examples, often restricted to decorated capital letters at the start of psalms and other prayers, but books made for wealthy patrons may be extremely lavish, with full-page miniatures. BNF - L'Aventures des écritures. Matières et formes : Livre d’heures à l’usage d’Amiens

A Lovely

photo for you this morning. I'm running a little behind since I slept late and now I must get ready for a dental appointment. Routine worries. See you later.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Virtual Bedroom for Tonight

How do you like tonight's virtual bedroom? It looks like a good one to sleep in with ice cold air conditioning. I might not open the windows the way I usually do. Are you holding up okay in this heat wave? So far, so good for me. I even managed a bit of yard work outside this afternoon. Sleep tight and I'll see you in the morning. xo


Oriental Poppy | Papaver orientale

Hand colored engraving by William Curtis. London, 1788. From the collection of the Smithsonian Institution Library
Origin: The Mediterranean, Persia 
Class: Perennial 
Display period: May, June 
Height: 2-4 feet 
Environment: Sun

In Pursuit of The Perfect Bath

This one is certainly a contender. Don't you love the room and the simplicity of the furnishings in this bath?


Monday, July 18, 2011

Snail Mail My Email | Try It.

This looks like fun. Will you do it?

Zucchini Fritters - Greek Style

Greek Style Zucchini Fritters
(makes 2 servings)

2 cups zucchini (grated, and squeezed to drain)
1 handful fresh herbs (such as parsley, dill, mint; chopped)
2 green onions (chopped)
1/4 cup feta (crumbled)
1/2 cup flour (feel free to use whole wheat)
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons oil

1. Mix the zucchini, herbs, green onion, feta, flour, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl.
2. Heat the oil in a pan.
3. Spoon the zucchini mixture into the pan and cook until golden brown on both sides, about 4 minutes per side. Serve with Greek cucumber salad alongside.

Tzatziki (Greek Cucumber Salad)
(makes 4 appetizer sized servings)

1/2 cup Greek yogurt or strained yogurt
1/2 cup cucumber (peeled, seeded, and shredded, squeezed and drained)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill or mint (optional)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 splash ouzo (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Mix everything and let chill in the fridge for an hour or more to let the flavours mingle.

Recipes found here. This is the perfect time of year for both.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pool of The Year

Have you ever seen a lovelier pool? I wish I knew more about it but I don't. Beautiful photograph too. I had a wonderful weekend...hope you did too. 
It's in Greece. Thanks Marcy and Pauline.

The Fleeting Beach Sand Art of Jim Denevan

More photos here. When you have time check out the other links at the top of his website.

Jim Denevan makes temporary drawings on sand, earth and ice that are eventually erased by waves and weather. Absolutely amazing, wouldn't you agree?

Where Are The People?

I hope they are off somewhere in the yard playing a wicked game of croquet. Have a wonderful Sunday. It's a delightful morning here at my cottage. xo


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Goodnight Kisses

Goodnight kisses all around. I'm hitting the hay. via Baby Lions and Their Mothers.

I See The Moon

Don't forget to look at the moon before you go to bed tonight. This very moon was in the sky outside my bedroom window last night but I can never get my photos to look like this. It was the first night of the full moon and it was orange like a harvest moon too. I've had a great day so far today...hope you have too.

Woodland Ferns at The Cottage

The skunk cabbage is starting to die but the ferns are still looking good in the woods at the cottage. Photo taken in the cool of the evening yesterday.

Another Horse Walks By My Cottage


I was closing all the windows just now so I could turn on the central air and luckily my camera was handy to show you another horse taking a walk past the cottage. Webster no longer barks when they ride by. It's getting hot again so here's hoping you stay cool. 

Aga + Subway Tile Love

I love everything that I'm able to see in this kitchen, don't you? I wonder if the owner turned off this Aga cooker for the summer? People that have them love them. I don't cook enough to justify having a range this expensive in my kitchen. Everyone seems to be grilling outside until after Labor Day. Stay cool.  


Raspberries in The Wild

My wild raspberries are everywhere and taking a walk around the cottage is a true delight. I took this photo on my dessert stroll after dinner yesterday. Have a delicious weekend. xo

Lovely Pot of Flowers

Oil painting of a pot of flowers by British artist Barbara Richardson. I hope your weekend is just as lovely. xo

Friday, July 15, 2011

Heavenly Steps

[beautiful] Steps by Eduard Nikoalev

The Task Continues

I'm not feeling as energized about all the hand work that remains after one full day of cleaning yesterday. Guess I'll try to whistle while I work or put on some music to keep me in the mood. See you later. 

My photo of a brass letter clip on a page of sheet music.

Dream Kitchen | Wow

Very nice indeed.I really need to see the rest of this wonderful kitchen. Is that a pool in the yard? I had a pool at my first house and there are two joys; getting one and getting rid of one. I'll take this kitchen without but patio can stay.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

House Cleaning Gone Wild

I'm still at it. I wish I had this woman to help me but I've moved mountains today in the house-cleaning department and I'm feeling good about it. My mother always cleaned like this back when she could see. Even now, when I go down to help her I find she's still a much better housekeeper than I am even with her diminished vision. She always did it as recreation and I always thought of it as work. Today it was fun. Am I becoming my mother? That would be a very good thing.


Brand New Farmhouse from A Kit | Love.This

Are you in love yet? Founded by Michael C. Connor in 1969, the company pre-fabricates exquisitely crafted homes in its state-of-the-art Vermont factory. Wait until you see the back of this classic American home. Connor Homes: Mill-Built Architecture.

Cleaning Day

Today is the perfect day to do all the cleaning chores I've been putting off. All the windows are open and wonderful breezes are blowing inside. I slept like a log last night and feel energized for some serious housework. See you later. xo


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simple Yet Elegant Virtual Bedroom for Tonight

I've been grumpy all day because I stayed up too late last night and got up too early this morning. I'm sure I'll sleep like a log in this lovely bedroom. I'll have to go to bed when it first gets dark because who knows what time the sun will come streaming in those windows tomorrow. I'll let you know. 

Deck Chair for A Summer Afternoon

The heat wave has broken and there's a delightful breeze. Now if I just had a deck chair full of pillows I'd be all set.


Do Dogs Have Selective Hearing Too?

I don't know what this conversation is all about but I can tell by the barkee's expression that it's going in one ear and out the other.
