Monday, January 3, 2011

Audrey Hepburn Picking Daisies

Audrey Hepburn spent her childhood in Arnheim, Netherlands under the Nazi occupation in WWII according to her biography. This scene was photographed in England in 1951 showing her picking flowers in a field during a filming break in Sussex. ~ Popperfoto/Getty Images

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Big Ben Clock Repair in London

I've never thought of the clock repair trade as being dangerous until I saw this photograph. Whoa! Image by Carl De Souza via Pixdaus.

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Great List ~ Best of Tech 2010

I always read 'best of 2010' lists when I see them. Glance over this one and I'm sure you'll find something of interest. I liked the second item called Dropbox and have been meaning to download it but haven't yet. But I will. Blogging about it will serve as a bookmark.When you click on the Dropbox link you'll be able to watch a video so you will understand the simple concept. It's Pure Genius! The New York Times thinks so too. They featured it last Thursday in their technology section.

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Limited Edition Car

Only 7 will be made. Isn't this the most wonderful toy car you've ever seen? I'm afraid to click on the price. Will you be among the lucky 7? Order here.

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Flamingo Meets Reflection

An absolutely amazing photo by Beth Goodson. She calls it "Joined at the water." It's very painterly, isn't it? I love this bird's markings reflected in the rippled water looking so much like the marbleized paper in my antiquarian books.

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Lone Cottage by The Sea

You could probably break your internet habit here, right? I must admit I've enjoyed my first experience with Wi-Fi in my own home during the past weeks. Very liberating. I'm sure I'd have huge withdrawal symptoms in this cottage by the sea but I'm sure my camera would be clicking all the time. So beautiful. via Crush Cul de Sac

Sunshine on An Antique Chair

There is still a lot of snow on the ground here at the cottage but the sun is shining brightly. All the paths and walkways are perfectly melted but it will still take a while for the ground cover of snow to go away.

It's not Christmas anymore in the house. All the boxes are at the top of the attic landing but I keep finding things I missed so I'm waiting before I put them away. Since I undecorated yesterday I've already found 5 things I missed that are in a pile on the kitchen table.

I liked the way the sunlight looked this morning on my early armchair. Happy Monday. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal, aren't you?

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Understanding 7 Billion

This is a very powerful video about understanding the world's population. I learned a lot. Please watch it; you'll be glad you did. Share too.

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Trees in the Snow

Mother Nature really is the best decorator, isn't she? I love the long shadows and the absence of people. *

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Organic Vegetable Soup

My lunch today. I made this vegetable soup last night and it was so good. I think it was good for me too and it's delicious the second time around.

I get these big bags of organic mixed vegetables from Costco. Believe me when I say they are delicious; not at all like the horrid and dreaded blocks of frozen mixed vegetables from my youth. Watts Brothers Farms has grown the best organic carrots, green beans, peas and super sweet cut corn. They are perfect in soup. Last night I added a chopped onion cooked in a little butter and a peeled chopped sweet potato. The broth was organic free range chicken stock. I also added chopped romaine and some leftover spagetti noodles. Sometimes I add a can of diced tomatoes.

I sloshed it around the rim too much for a good photo in the process of carrying the bowl up to the attic to eat my soup in front of the computer. I wonder how long it will take to rid my body of all the sugar I've ingested since Thanksgiving?

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Genius Block Soap Dispenser/Grater

I love this soap grater invented by Nathalie Stämpflia, a design student. I use a micro-plane grater to grate my soap for my homemade laundry detergent. I'd love to have one of these in my kitchen. I've never been a fan of liquid hand soap because the containers are way too unattractive for my taste as well as being expensive. More photos and information about Nathalie's invention here.

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Foggy Morning

I woke up to a pea-soup fog this morning at the cottage. I guess the air is warmer than the snow. All of the white stuff has magically disappeared from my balcony without shoveling it even once. You live and learn. I used to break my back getting rid of it but in the last two years I've learned to just concentrate on the front walk and drive and the lower patio and deck.

I think the fog is thicker now than when I first got out of bed. Enjoy the first Sunday of 2011. I really wanted to put away all of my Christmas decorations yesterday but did not finish. Today I shall!

See you later. *

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pair of Cardinals in the Snow

Is there anything lovelier than a pair of cardinals on a snowy fence? I think not. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend before starting the new decade.

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Sewing Machine Power

I love this quote. "Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman with a Sewing Machine." Image from Crust Party ~ She sews with a red hot needle.

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Cats Playing Patty-Cake ~ Hilarious Video

Over 6 million hits...hilarious. Cats playing patty-cake and what they are saying.

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Kitten Mittens ~ Do Want !

I would wear these proudly if you'd knit me a pair. These kitten mittens would surely warm the hearts as well as the hands of their lucky owners every time they were pulled on. If I ever find the pattern I'll post it along with my hand measurements. :-)

UPDATE: Nancy (one of my blog readers) found the pattern.
Here's the link. Thanks so much Nancy!

Posted on 1/1/11 at 1:11 pm ~ Happy New Year

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Baby New Year circa 1937

Vintage magazine cover from The Saturday Evening Post via Mark P. Baby New Year is so much more uplifting that Father Time, right? We are all brand new today.

Wow !! I just looked at the date of this post and it's 1/1/11. What do the numerologists have to say about that? I think I'll schedule it to go live at 11:11 am. Might as well go all the way with the numeral 1.

I think this is a sign that 2011 is going to be ONEderful !!

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