Monday, April 14, 2014

Sweetest Easter Lamb

I love the pink ears. Such a sweet face too! via

I love this yellow bird too. via
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 77

More sage advice from a father to a son. 
I don't get the last one, do you?
UPDATE: Okay, I understand now. Thank your wife's mother for bring your wife into the world. Thanks everyone!!!
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Bletchley Circle Season 2 Tonight

I'm off to the bedroom to watch Call the Midwife that is recording on my DVR. I just found out that after Mr. Selfridge, a new season of The Bletchley Circle is on tonight. I loved Season One. Here's a preview of Season Two on PBS.
Mad Men, Season 7 is on tonight too. Why do all the good shows have to be on Sunday night? There are 7 programs on tonight that I want to watch. I'll have to watch half of them online. Oh well, it's a good problem to have. I love TV. Enjoy your programs. xo
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Tabitha Outside

Tabitha has claimed her seat at the front door so she can watch what's going on without being on the cold ground. She was watching the sun go down in this photo. She likes to switch things around a little too much and keeps me busy letting her come inside whenever she wants. She will come in and eat a few pieces of kibble and then want to go back out again. In and out, in and out. That's what cats do! Have a great Sunday. xo
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Has Sprung at My Cottage

Not a single flower was open this morning. Here's a picture I took before Webster and I went on our after dinner walk. Boy, when they open, they open wide, don't they?

My picket fence still looks brand new after the paint job last fall and all that snow over the winter.

The skunk cabbage is putting out its big green leaves that I love so much. Pretty soon the entire forest floor will be covered with giant green leaves. Enjoy your Saturday evening and the rest of the weekend. xo
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It's supposed to get up to 71° today and I can hardly contain my enthusiasm. Whole bunches of daffodils have popped open overnight. I still have some fall leaf cleanup to do and today's the day! Enjoy your first good Spring Saturday too. xo
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Friday, April 11, 2014

Good Night. The Cottage is Signing Off

Tabitha is tucked in after a day spent mostly outside.

This is my favorite robin photo. It posed for me and let me get really close.

Not my photo but it could be. I have old shovels with handles like this. Have a great weekend.
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My Wish for You

I find it very soothing to sit and watch this! via
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Love Crocuses

Next spring I want more crocuses. I had purple ones but they seem to have disappeared this year. They make me so happy, just looking at them. I had a busy day today working inside and outside and helping a friend move. Have a great evening.
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Decoupage Plates

I love this fantastic decoupage plate by John Derian Company.

I have only one piece and it's signed on the back. There is some paint loss under the backing so it must have been a reject. I got it at a garage sale for 25 cents years ago. I don't know about you, but when I buy something I love at a local house sale, I can usually remember exactly where I bought it, what kind of day it was, the seller, and all sorts of other details. I bought this plate on a beautiful summer day and my mother was with me. The sale was in the driveway and garage of a lovely home. Friends and relatives of the owners brought their goods too, so there was a big variety of good stuff and junk. I hope they have another one this year!
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My First Daffodil Bloomed Today

I was very surprised to see this beautiful daffodil had bloomed when I wasn't looking.

Here it is again with a filter to show the time of day. It was dusk after dinner tonight when I took the wonder dog out for his last walk. It's good to see a bit of color, isn't it? xo
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Royal Play Date

Fixing Mummie's hair.

The hug.

Look carefully.
He has 2 bottom teeth.
Can you believe we have two more weeks of this? See more BIG pictures at Town and Country.
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Dizzy with Love for Baby Prince

I can't get enough of him. And I won't stop posting about him. Ever! via
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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wonderful Attic Room

Isn't this attic room with a Cape Cod view absolutely wonderful? Look at the size of those floor boards! I love that writing arm windsor but would prefer a more comfortable chair for soaking in this amazing view from this wonderful windows. via
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Initials on A Garage Floor

When I sold a house recently I took a photo of these initials for the owner. FM died recently and BM is in a care facility. The young couple who bought the house have a new baby and will bring new happiness into a house they bought because of the good vibes it had. The circle of life continues.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

Antique Dog Collar 1733

English Brass Engraved Dog Collar
Silas Shepley
Bullock Smithy Bramhall
If I shou'd miss or lose my way
Kind friend direct me right I pray

With padlock. So wonderful!
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My Favorite Photo of Prince George

Just look at those eyelashes and his expressive eyebrows. Love his collar and sweater and his hair too. I copied this from Royal Love Story and the caption there was, "Someone call the doctor--Prince George is giving us BABY FEVER." I have a bad case of it, do you?
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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kate, William, and Little George

A recent family portrait with 8 month old George and the royal dog, Lupo.

This must be the start of the royal tour to New Zealand. Maybe they are still in England at this point, not sure.

He's adorable, isn't he. Kate is such a hands-on mom! I want to see more of Prince George, don't you?
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