Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Beatrix Potter Original Drawing: The Mice Hear Simpkin Outside

click image to enlarge
This delightful ink and watercolor on paper circa 1902 is in the Tate Gallery in London. Simpkin is the Tailer of Gloucester's cat. He rescued these mice from under a teacup where Simpkin had hidden them and out of gratitude they are helping him finish a waistcoat for the mayor's wedding on Christmas Day. Beatrix Potter based her story on a true happening in Gloucester...read more here.
The Tate has 22 of Beatrix Potter's illustrations from her second book which she declared was her favorite. They were presented to the museum in 1946 by the artist's executor .. read more here.
Read the entire book free online compliments of Project Gutenberg eBook

Bird in Bad Weather

It is very sloppy outside today. It is drizzling rain on top of the snow. This photo reminds me that I must pick up some bird seed after my dental appointment this morning. via

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Icicles are Gone.

These long icicles quickly melted this morning. At one point the sky was almost navy blue. What a change from yesterday. Mother Nature can be so fickle.
NOTE: Downton Abbey is two hours long tonight. Set your DVR accordingly. Can't wait!
my iphone photo

Chanhassen Cottage -- Office for Two

Chanhassen Cottage: Click for a complete tour. This office for two is very nice. I'll take the side with the full window so I can daydream instead of working on my taxes.

Sunday Morning Blues

Fooled you, didn't I? There is nothing sad about this delightful scene and it would be the perfect place to spend a nice Sunday morning. I have always loved big blue and white checks in wool. Enjoy your day. via

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Agree.

Tell that to the economists. I love this Bill Hicks quote. via

Aftermath of the Snow at My Cottage

My backyard this morning thru the screen on the bedroom window.
Tabitha's way of dealing with deep snow. I'm still in my pajamas thinking more seriously about getting out in this white stuff soon. Webster is fast asleep in a sunny spot on my bed. We are all lazy together. See you later.

Snow on My Sundial

This is just outside my front door. It is rather protected from the wind here so this is the best representation of the snow we got overnight and all day yesterday. We were in the area that was supposed to get between 6 and 12 inches. I think we got less than a foot. Hooray.
I was awakened at 5am to an unknown noise that might have been a falling tree but it was just my snowplow man scraping my driveway. The worst is over and there are patches of blue in the sky.
People in Connecticut and Long Island got 30+ inches. Mother Nature has been somewhat kind to my area and I am thankful. 

Here is my sundial earlier this year with melted snow on top.

Stay warm and take it easy if you have to shovel snow. xo

Friday, February 8, 2013

Snowy Commute

This looks like a delightful place to shop and wait for the train, doesn't it? Be careful going home today. Bring home everything you could possibly need for a weekend blizzard. via

Just Enough Snow

So far, so good. This beautiful photo shows the perfect amount of snow. Supposedly the worst will happen overnight. I'm ready for whatever Mother Nature brings. via

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby Hippo and Old Tortoise

This brings tears to my eyes. Everybody needs a friend! via

An English Spring

We are getting ready for the worst snowstorm of the season so far. By ignoring it and posting about spring, maybe I can head it off or at least lessen the severity. Cupboards are stocked, firewood is stacked, all electronics are charged, and I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm nervous about the high winds though. As long as we don't lose power I'll be fine. Cross your fingers for me and I'll cross mine for you if you're getting ready for it too. via

Abraham Lincoln Quote about Roses

I choose to rejoice. via

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Post Office - Lark Rise to Candleford

I'm so excited. We are finally getting 'Lark Rise to Candleford' on one of our PBS stations tonight. Season 1, Episode 1. This building is the post office. I cheated and found a website for the whole series so I've already watched the first episode. I wanted to make sure I was seeing it from the beginning. The website is Idaho Public Television and it has full episodes of all four seasons. Keep clicking below on the + sign for more full episodes until you get to the beginning. HERE'S THE LINK. 
Image of the original post office from the book found here.
Here is the link for Season 1, Episode 1 online: http://video.idahoptv.org/video/1922818875

Fireplace on a Covered Elevated Porch

This is absolutely wonderful, please teleport me there now! Photo is from the 2003 book entitled 'The Cabin: Inspiration for the Classic American Getaway' - Taunton Press. Image found here.

Double Mailboxes - Do Want

Here is your smile for the day! This is so clever, isn't it? Love it. Today's News: US Postal Service plans to end Saturday mail delivery by August 2013. Article here.
photo via

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rustic Cabin with Fireplace

This looks so enticing, doesn't it? I love the red leather club chairs and the stone raised hearth fireplace. I think that's a big desk on the left. Isn't this the best study ever? via pinterest

Coffee First

Rise Up and Attack the Day with COFFEE and enthusiasm is more like it here at the cottage. via

Monday, February 4, 2013