Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting Some Fresh Air

Just a quick snapshot from one of my books. We all need a breath of fresh air right now, don't we?

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Another Amazing Collection of Books

This statue seems to be guarding the books, doesn't he?


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Old House Love

I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to leave the walls "as is" if this bathroom belonged to me. I do think it's interesting even though looks unfinished. I've scraped wallpaper off plaster walls and have been tempted to walk away too. Getting down to the bare bones of an old house is never easy. What would you do?


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Create Yourself Endlessly

Thought for the day:

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."

Henri Bergson (1859-1941) -- French philosopher

I took this photo in the morning sun today.

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March Is For Reading

In March read the books you've always meant to read.

What a good idea. The vintage image is a WPA (Work Projects Administration) poster circa 1940 to promote reading and library use for children and adults.

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Antique Gardening Tools

Early gardening tools scanned from one or more of my antiquarian prints. Early 19th century, English.

I know all the gardeners out there are itching to begin using all the things in the garden shed. I'll be glad to trade them for my collection of snow shovels currently being overused. What about you?

I thing it's going to be a nice day. I can feel that Spring is in the air.

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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 1

Life's Little Instruction Book, Volume II
A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.
By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
"Life is a process. We are all works in progress -- green tomatoes ripening on the windowsill of life."

I finally found Volume II of this wonderful book. Aren't you happy? Now I don't have to repeat the first 511 hints from Volume I.

For those of you who missed the first book, look on my sidebar for the cover and click on it.

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Brilliant Idea

If you can't hide it, flaunt it. Visible electric cords are my pet peeve. Sometimes there's nothing you can do except embrace them. Isn't this a cute idea? Made me smile.


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Monday, March 1, 2010

Tree House Extraordinaire

Goodnight. Wouldn't it be fun to sleep here and wake up to such a spectacular view? See you tomorrow. I'm off to watch The Antiques Roadshow.


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Corrugated Art | Trash To Treasure

Corrugated art, is how the artist refers to it. Using entirely reclaimed corrugated boxes from his trash and neighborhood, Mark Langan transformed the everyday material into something other than its original intended purpose…aesthetically beautiful three-dimensional art. Armed only with a razor blade, a cutting edge, a mat and some non toxic glue, each artwork is created by layering sheets of corrugated into aesthetically pleasing patterns. The corrugated lends itself well to patterns. When viewed from different angles and lighting, each piece changes. Cardboard has never been more beautiful, has it?

Design Year Book

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Did March Come In Like A Lion Or A Lamb?

I'm almost afraid to say that at my house March definitely came in like a lamb. That means it will go out like a lion. Oh No...say it isn't so.

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Radio Flyer

Giant Radio Flyer Wagon from the 1933 World's Fair. Look at the people in the photo to get an idea of how huge this was. Did it survive? Where it is? I like it.

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Full Moon On The Last Evening Of February

This photo of the full moon was taken last night before I turned off the lights for some prime time TV watching. Masterpiece [39 Steps] on PBS was excellent. Look for a repeat sometime during the week in case you missed it.

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Eat Ice Cream For Daily Happiness

This is such good advice. My motto: A day without ice cream is like a day without sunshine.


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An Interior At My Cottage

The last time you saw this view of a corner in my living room, there was a Christmas tree on the table.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Winterscape With Lake

It would be nice to have a lake to look out upon I think. There would be great beauty here no matter what the season. Found on Google Images.

A Kitchen And A Bath

Lovely kitchen. Lovely tub. Each room is sleek, simple, uncluttered, and lastly elegant. The kitchen eating area looks as if it would be a simple DIY project with fantastic results.  via