Monday, January 17, 2011

Amazing Papercutting Made From An Old Book

This is the perfect image for my last post of the day. Isn't this papercutting made from an old book simply amazing? It is truly a fairytale in and of itself. I don't know who made it. Found here. Goodnight all.

Content in a Cottage

Her Name is Olive

Her name is Olive and she definitely rules the roost in her household. This photograph is hilarious, isn't it? Webster would be so jealous. Dogs can make us cry when they show us their devotion and loyalty but they can make us laugh out loud too.

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Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Speech

RIP ~ MLK was assassinated the very next day.

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Paul Revere Teapot

American silver teapot by Paul Revere, Jr. 1734-1818 in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Americana week is upon us in New York with auctions at Sotheby's and Christie's and of course the Winter Antiques Show at the Park Avenue Armory. Will you be going?

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Help Me Add These Icons to My Blog

Does anybody know how I can add these cute little icons to the bottom of my blog posts? I want them too but don't know where to find them. I looked on Feedburner but couldn't find a link. Help me please. Thanks in advance. xo, Rosemary

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Waiting . . . Forever

Photoblog - A dog takes its loyalty to the grave in Brazil
"A dog, 'Leao', sits for a second consecutive day, next to the grave of her owner, Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in the week's catastrophic landslides in Brazil, at the cemetery in Teresopolis, near Rio de Janiero, on Jan. 15. Brazilians braced for more rain Saturday, fearing further landslides after walls of muddy water tore through towns and claimed some 550 lives in the country's worst flood disaster on record."

I don't know about you but I have a huge lump in my throat over this poignant photo illustrating the loyalty of man's best friend.

UPDATE:  Read the comments...this dog was rescued and adopted by a loving vet. Isn't that great news? Thanks Simone.

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A Wonderful Illustrated Quote

This is really good advice, isn't it? From the ever delightful Notebook Doodles.

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Cardinal Eating Seeds at My Feeder

Well, I'm very happy to report that even the cardinals are eating my seed mixture and not holding out for the sunflower seeds. The mixture is full of them and in the past the birds would sling the small seeds all over the place pecking away for only the choicest seed in the blend. I've succeeded in making them all eat what's available.

Hollyhocks on Blue

I never did sow the heirloom hollyhock seeds I've been saving. Why didn't I? This computer is sucking up all of my spare time. I have to do an intervention sometime soon and try to catch up on all the things I blog about but never do. Sound familiar? Suggestions on how to begin would be appreciated. I'm not ready to start quite yet though. Oh dear, I'm already off to a bad start, aren't I? *

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Watering Can, Trowel, and Flowers

At first I thought this delightful picture was a painting but on closer examination I found it was a photograph. Does it make you pine for gardening days? I am as snug as a bug in a rug on this cold winter's day not missing my garden at all. *

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunset on A California Vineyard

Sunset Vigilance Vineyard, Lake County, California

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Backyard Friends

Duckling seeks bunny.

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Sailor's Knot Bracelet Tutorial

Why knot make a bracelet this weekend? Tutorial here. All you need is 3.5 yards of twine but please don't cut down the clothes line :-) Have fun. 

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Books for The Long Weekend

I was just reminded that this is a long weekend and many of you don't have to work on Monday because of the MLK holiday. Do you have plans? Do you have stacks of books you've been wanting to read? This might be the perfect time to find a good one to tide you over until Sunday night's airing of Downton Abbey on PBS. I've been working on categorizing my antique reference books; they've gotten quite jumbled up lately. Have fun whatever you do. *

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Friday, January 14, 2011

House Blessing

This is a very wonderful sampler, isn't it? It's a hand embroidered house blessing and a wish for all homes. The photo source is but I'm not on it so I can't give you a link.

"May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door"

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My Stack of Leather Suitcases

These vintage leather suitcases have been in various locations around the cottage ever since I moved in. The one on the bottom and the middle one were under the bed in the spare room. I bought them both in England ages ago and I love them. The top one was purchased at a local estate sale. The entire case was covered with a canvas protector which I removed except for the one on the handle.

They look nice at the end of the sofa, don't they. The following photo inspired me to bring my vintage luggage out of hiding to make my own stack. The brass doorstop against the sofa skirt is to prevent Webster from rubbing against it since this is a favorite napping spot. I'm making a real effort to keep this one clean. He has done a number with the skirts of my other two sofas but he's so dear I've let him get away with it. Not on this one however. I put books on the cushions before I go to sleep at night too.

Another stack of vintage leather suitcases belonging to someone else. via Green Wellies

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Keep Calm and Put The Kettle On

There's really nothing else you can do in this weather, is there? via

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

View From My Kitchen Window

The sun was going down when I snapped this scene from the side window in my kitchen. I have a three-tube bird feeder hanging from a big limb on the tree to the left. So far there are more birds than squirrels feeding there. This time I bought the bird seed that is a blend rather than 100% sunflower seeds. It's half the price and the birds seem to know this is recession food and don't mind. What are you feeding your fine feathered friends?

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Bedroom Perfection

Looking, looking, looking but I can find no fault with this wonderful bedroom's design and furnishings, can you? *

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