I never did sow the heirloom hollyhock seeds I've been saving. Why didn't I? This computer is sucking up all of my spare time. I have to do an intervention sometime soon and try to catch up on all the things I blog about but never do. Sound familiar? Suggestions on how to begin would be appreciated. I'm not ready to start quite yet though. Oh dear, I'm already off to a bad start, aren't I? *
Rosemary, your dilemma is mine and most everyone's, I dare say. When I was gathering up my grandson from his afterschool program last Monday, his 3rd grade study buddy stated with great resolve, "Once you begin a project, you must finish it before starting another." I took this to heart. Can I be as successful as these two darling boy? Hmmm, we shall see.
I don't turn it on until I have done something of consequence...all the boring have to do everyday things....like in the spring.l..planting my hollyhocks....did you think to start them in egg cartons and put them in a sunny window? Have no idea when you should do this...but it might help you to remember them!!!
Hi Rosemary!
Firstly, I just want to say I reallllllly enjoy your blogging, your photos, your sense of humor and your love of gardening!
That being said, I too need to be kicked off my computer, and into many projects I've put off. I just take it a day at a time... "you are where you want to be!" And if you don't finish all your unfinished projects in one day, use my "every OTHER day" method...pick 2 different projects, and work on them both, but just every other day. You would think you would feel like you're not getting enough done, but in fact, it feels fun when they BOTH come to an end at nearly the same time. :) hehe.
OH and Hollyhocks? Dang persnickety beautifully frustrating plants for me. I think they're a lot like roses... they need the PERFECT spot of sun, plus just the right not too wet soil. I too planted a crop that didn't show up the next year (well, one did at about 2ft tall). Don't plant all your seeds at once...try "test" hollyhocks first - they will help you locate the perfect spot. :)
Spring is coming! Yessss!
Sherilyn Koss
I love this hollyhocks photo so much! I see that the street name is French. Would it be possible to tell me where it was taken, please?
Muddy -- I searched this photo (not mine) on Google Lens. Here is the link I found. Good luck finding this place in France with hollyhocks:
xo, Rosemary
Thank you so much for the photo and for the effort to find its origin. This shot uplifts my spirits like you wouldn't believe. It reminds me of a place I used to pass regularly when accompanying/going to visit my husband in the hospital before his death in 2016. He used to find it so amusing that I would get so excited about something as simple as hollyhocks growing in front of a cottage, or a sunset, or so many of the simple things that I suppose have kept me a child right on up to my current age of 65. Thank you again for your response.
Wishing you good health and contentment
Martha xo
Hi Rosemary. Here it is a year and a half later, and I'm thrilled to report I've found where the photo was taken. I still don't know by whom. It occurred to me to use Google maps and look for Rue du Palais... and it turns out that it's the same as 6 rue du Palais, Saint Martin de RĂ©, France, brick for brick. The hollyhock isn't there in the photo on Google maps, but they die down each year and come back again when it gets warm enough, if I'm not mistaken. So I'm happy knowing where it came from. Thanks for posting the beautiful picture.
Muddy -- Martha, You are so smart! Thanks for finding the location for these lovely hollyhocks in France using Google Maps. Isn't the internet grand?! xo, Rosemary
I'm a little slow, Rosemary, so just seeing your response today. Thanks for the kind words. And yes, the internet is grand (when it's not awful)! It was through a community for English teachers and others who loved English that I met my husband, along with my friends I visited in Florence, Italy, and several others who are still my friends today. (It all started for us in 1999.)
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