Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rhododendron Floral Wallpaper

So beautiful: "Rhododendron Floral wallpaper" Via

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sleeping Corgi Puppy w/ Blue Bandana

I am planning to sleep as soundly as this adorable Corgi pup when I tuck in tonight after a long and productive day of weeding. Zzzzzz. I'll watch The Chorus on BBC America before turning off the light.

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Remembering Daffodils

As I weed my pathetic garden I can vaguely remember my excitement this past spring when my daffodils were in bloom. This one was in my kitchen window.

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Feng Shui Helpful Hints | Adopt A Stray Dog

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Birds on the Walls and Dogs on the Furniture

I love the arrangement of these framed Studer/Jasper bird prints on the walls and I love the little dogs on the beautiful chair as well. This photo was scanned from a page I ripped out of an old magazine. I have quite a few of these original antiquarian ornithological prints . . . I saved this image for framing inspiration.

First Edition Antique Lithographs from:
published by JACOB H. STUDER & CO.

Let me know if you are interested in any of these.
Here is the link for the WebAlbum.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shingle Style House w/ Raised Flower Beds

Doesn't this photo capture the true essence of summer? I love it all!

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French Children's Rooms

Follow the link to see more delightful images of french nurseries and children's rooms.

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Perfect Table

I love the way this trestle table fits exactly under the window. Love the director's chair too. I just moved my antique drafting table into my tiny pantry and it fits under the window as if it were made for the spot. It is so cozy to sit there and be able to look outside to the front and see the garden, birdbath, the road, and people walking by or riding bikes. I can sit there and read magazines, cookbooks, just fun paying bills. That's for upstairs in my studio. I shall photograph the new setup soon. When you rearrange your furnishings they seem like new possessions, don't they? Photo source here.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 18

As always, wonderful advice from H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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Dog Days of Summer

Or should I say The Last Dog of Summer? It's almost over but don't wish what's left away . . . enjoy it to the fullest. I love this cute bull terrier via.

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A Black Bear Cub With Jar Stuck on Head

The marines are calling him Jarhead.
Florida bear rescued after getting head stuck in jar
"It may seem like a story ripped from the pages of 'Winnie the Pooh,' but a little black bear is alive after Florida biologists removed a plastic bottle stuck on its head for at least 10 days." Poor little guy . . . he must have been so scared.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Monograms for Hand Embroidery

A is for Alphabet.

B is for Beautiful.

C is for Celtic.

D is for Design.

E is for Embroidery.

F is for Font.

The rest of this Celtic Knotwork Alphabet can be found here along with other vintage alphabets for hand embroidery. When the page loads scroll down a bit past the ads to see the wonderful designs. Aren't you glad I found these for you? Now I want to monogram some linens. Click images to enlarge. Print and use your scanner to enlarge or reduce. You can also use your photo editing program. You can make stationery too. Have fun however you decide to use this and the other alphabets.

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A River Runs Through This Beautiful Landscape

Have you ever seen more beautiful scenery? Have a lovely day.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Big C on Showtime with Laura Linney

I already have Showtime and I've been looking forward to next Monday's premier of a new series starring Laura Linney entitled The Big C. The website is offering a sneak preview of the full episode in case you want to watch it first before deciding to order. I have FiOS and pay around $8.00 per month for this premium channel which I think is a bargain. Here is the link. I've already watched the episode and it's going to be a great show. Enjoy. Let me know what you think if you watch it.

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Boy (8 years old) Designs Wallpaper

His name is Otto. He's 8 years old and lives in Sweden. I love his drawings of ships on wallpaper, don't you? Order here and see more views of this paper in rooms. Very cool.

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