Saturday, October 31, 2009

Turn your clocks back one hour tonight . . .

Spring Forward ~ Fall Back
This little jingle helps me get it right.

Content in a Cottage

Halloween and Open Shelves in Bathroom

Haven't carved your pumpkins yet? Paint them instead.

Didn't buy Halloween candy? Let them eat cake.

You know how much I love open shelves.

Finally...a place for all those shells.

Don't forget to set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed tonight. Daylight savings time is over. I don't look forward to the short days, with darkness setting in so early. Maybe I can train myself to get up earlier.
I cleaned out closets yesterday and took three big bags of unwanted warm winter clothes to the Clothing Bank in Morristown. Made me feel good to know I will be helping to keep people warm. It was very balmy and the town merchants were giving out Halloween treats to school children who were parading up and down the sidewalks in their costumes without their coats. Some were very cute.
Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by the cottage. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Friday, October 30, 2009

Life's Little Instruction Book page 140 . . .

Today is Friday and it's pretty warm and a little overcast at my house. I don't think rain is predicted so maybe I will get to run over the leaves and crunch them with my riding mower. The three trees close to my house in the back are virtually bare. Have a great Halloween weekend. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Life quotes from a couple of famous people . . .

Have a good one. Thanks for stopping by the cottage for a couple of great illustrated quotes. ♥Rosemary Content in a Cottage

2 Skull Fonts :: Free Download

Martha Stewart had Noah Scalin on her program. He created a skull a day for one year. He has two skull fonts to download on his blog. I just downloaded them and printed the banner shown above. Enlarge for the full effect. Dark background with lighter printing works best.
Download here ... scroll down the sidebar.

Content in a Cottage
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Goldfish Garbage Bags . . .

Wouldn't you love to put these cool bags out on trash day? They made me laugh. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wonderful Halloween Images . . .

Halloween is almost here. Did you buy your candy yet? It's always nice for the children when it falls on a Saturday as it does this year. They can stay up late, eat lots of trick or treat junk, and be sick on Sunday. Thanks for stopping by the cottage for a trip down memory lane. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maira Kalman Free Lecture 11/03/09 at Stanford Univ.

Click on either image and scroll down a bit for all the necessary information...building, room number, time, and date. Let me know if you are going!

I have never wanted to live in California ~ until now. I would already be in line for the free open-to-the-public lecture by my favorite illustrator, Maira Kalman. I blog about her all the time. Now I must read up on The Rubber Band Society!

Thanks for stopping by the cottage. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Wordless Wednesday . . .

Content in a Cottage

Monday, October 26, 2009

A graphic designer meets with a very cute young client [Video] . . .

This little guy is so cute. I hope you find the time to watch this prize-winning video and start your day with a big smile. Thanks for stopping by the cottage; here's hoping you have a great week with no problem clients big or small. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage