Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Decorated Valentine Cookies

Aren't these cookies beautiful? I love them. Have you started making your valentines yet?

Content in a Cottage

Gardiner's Opera House in Paris | View from the Rooftop

An amazing view of the Eiffel Tower from the roof of Gardiner's Opera photographed by Antoine Lepetit

Gardiner's Opera House in Paris, the social cathedral. The genius of Charles Garnier was his determination to make this palace a huge theater where everyone becomes an actor. At the entrance, great mirrors allow the audience to readjust their clothing before entering an enchanted universe.

Content in a Cottage

Monday, January 31, 2011

Backlit Poppies

I love the way these red poppies are so beautifully backlit by the sun. Another storm is coming and I refuse to think about more snow. We'll see what tomorrow brings as we dream of spring. *

Diamond Floors at Versailles

Robert Polidori - Versailles, Questel Staircase. This is absolutely stunning, isn't it? I love black and white diamonds on floors.

Content in a Cottage

English Gardening Proverb

I am repeating this illustrated quote about gardening that I made ages ago. I'm so glad I remembered to put all of my watering cans in the garage for the winter. I learned the hard way not to leave them outside and let the water that collects freeze and expand to cause leaks. The nice old ones are getting harder and harder to find.

Content in a Cottage

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Little Help Please? Dog in Deep Snow

A Little Help Please? This isn't Webster but it could be. Our snow wasn't quite this deep but it is still much too deep to even take a walk where it hasn't been shoveled. Poor dog. 

Content in a Cottage

My Favorite Brushes

I always look for brushes like these at garage sales. I use them for so many things--most of which do not involve paint. Dusting books, washing windows, cleaning projects of every description, and the list goes on. I do use them for painting too and am very conscientious about cleaning them afterwards because I know how expensive they are to buy new. Are you also a fan of these round brushes?

Content in a Cottage

Gourdon's Garden - Provence, France

Gourdon's Garden - Provence - France
The Castle of Gourdon is close by Saint Paul de Vence - Provence, on the top of mountain. Its gardens were designed by Le Notre, Louix XIV's gardener who also did Versailles park. The picture shows the very precise hard work done by the gardeners, resulting in the geometrical shapes of the trees and golf like lawn, AND the view of the impressive canyon below the garden. When taking the shot, I deliberately chose to frame it in those two parts (garden and canyon with the white wall being the middle line). The two gardeners, feeling the heat of the summer season, add a human touch to the picture.

Provence in general, St Paul de Vence and Gourdon in particular are great places to visit and photograph. photo and text by Pierre Metivier 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Fabulous Gardening Motif

I absolutely love this gardening artwork from A Cottage In The Woods
Content in a Cottage

I Love This

The refracted designs in these glasses of water caught my eye this morning. Seeing the world with your glass full is a good thing. Have a nice weekend. *

Content in a Cottage

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wonderful Outside Sink

I just finished doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen but it would have been more fun using this outside sink (in more suitable weather). I still love my own double porcelain farm sink rescued from the side of the road. Have a wonderful weekend.

Content in a Cottage

Rudyard Kipling Illustrated Gardening Quote

It is time to sit by the fire and flip through all of those gardening and seed catalogs that arrive in the mail almost daily this time of year. I know many of you have cabin fever and maybe dreaming of spring will help cure it. 

Content in a Cottage

Snow Swag on My Picket Fence

Look what happened to the snow that was on top of my picket fence; it started melting and stopped to form a perfect triple swag. Decorations by Mother Nature can be quite beautiful. This was the first thing I saw this morning when I looked out my bedroom window. It is a gray day and the icicles are starting to form. I shall venture out in the car today for errands. See you later.

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Very Nice Small Kitchen

There were lots to look at but this small kitchen was my favorite. I would really like to see some other views of this delightful room, wouldn't you? I especially like the shelf wall behind the KitchenAid mixer.   Favourite kitchens of 2010

Content in a Cottage

All Shoveled Out: Snow Begone

It's nice to see my car again. I didn't go anywhere yet today but I might run out and buy more coffee. That's the only essential necessary here at the cottage.

The walk is finally completely exposed. Earlier it was only one shovel wide. I am like that you know. When I start a job it bothers me until it's totally finished. 

Content in a Cottage

Buried in The Snow

Success! I just got in from shoveling the walk to the left of the first big mound and I even dug out my car - see mound behind brick wall. The driveway had been plowed in front of the car and behind it too. I had to uncover it and dig out all around. The snow was over the tires and running board almost up to the trim on the door.  I was 'the little engine that could' digging my way one shovel at a time.

These chairs on the balcony will just have to wait. I can't even get the screen door open yet. Maybe the sun will do most of the work for me. This area is not critical. I just wanted to show you how deep the snow was back there. You can't even see the chair legs at all. 

Content in a Cottage

Beautiful Snowy Morning at The Cottage

I took these pictures when I first got up. The sun was still behind the clouds in the first one and had just broken through in the second one. I still haven't gotten the strength to deal with it. Webster ran out before breakfast and didn't stay a minute. My car is buried but the driveway has been plowed on either side. I'm not going anywhere anyway so it doesn't matter. The piles on either side of my front walk are getting higher and higher. I shoveled it down to the bluestone before I went to bed and it was up to Webster's belly when he dashed out this morning. It's really beautiful. See you later. Stay warm.

Content in a Cottage

A Picture Perfect Room

This would be the perfect room for winter nesting. I like almost everything in it except for the purple. I would love to have two loveseats like the leather sofa to replace my floral ones. Dogs and fabric just aren't a good mix. Webster is getting better every day in case you are wondering. I'll return shortly with pictures of more snow than I've ever seen at the cottage. I think we got at least another foot last night. Yikes.

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This Image is Bipolar

This emoticon made me sad and happy. *

Content in a Cottage

A Cottage Window in France

How nice. It must be so much fun to change the window display for the passersby to enjoy. I love the top pedestals with the doves and the little swallow attached to the stonework wall, don't you? Clever people with green thumbs can garden anywhere.

Content in a Cottage