Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gourdon's Garden - Provence, France

Gourdon's Garden - Provence - France
The Castle of Gourdon is close by Saint Paul de Vence - Provence, on the top of mountain. Its gardens were designed by Le Notre, Louix XIV's gardener who also did Versailles park. The picture shows the very precise hard work done by the gardeners, resulting in the geometrical shapes of the trees and golf like lawn, AND the view of the impressive canyon below the garden. When taking the shot, I deliberately chose to frame it in those two parts (garden and canyon with the white wall being the middle line). The two gardeners, feeling the heat of the summer season, add a human touch to the picture.

Provence in general, St Paul de Vence and Gourdon in particular are great places to visit and photograph. photo and text by Pierre Metivier 

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