Showing posts with label wren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wren. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

First Winter Sighting: A Little Wren

Little Jenny Wren
I went out to Ace Hardware yesterday and picked up two suet cakes and they created no bird activity whatsoever. My feathered friends didn't seem at all interested in this rare treat. Installing it was no easy task either. But today I spotted one of my favorite summer birds pecking away. The little house wren found the suet and knew just what to do. Then a Downy Woodpecker followed suit and was able to latch on as well. I honestly thought there would be a flurry of activity but I was wrong. I didn't realize the wrens were year-round residents but I guess they are hardy little birds. I hope Jenny returns soon. Click my photo to enlarge. xo

Friday, July 5, 2019

OCD Wrens at My Cottage

This new Wren family in the penthouse apartment on my balcony have a bad case of OCD. Every morning the pile of nest debris under their house is in a different spot and it gets smaller every day too. This is not because of the wind, it's definitely the birds. See original pile of nest building supplies here. They are a very odd couple, not at all like the earlier inhabitants. She won't let him inside very often and he sits on the railing and sings his little heart out.

Singing and waiting.

I am thinking of changing my name to Wren Cottage. This one lives in a bird bottle under the eaves of my front bedroom/dressing room. I have 4 nesting wren families in total.

This is my Friday morning barn/garage, field, and sky view with thunderstorms in the weather forecast. Enjoy your long July 4th weekend. xo

Monday, March 25, 2019

Wren Building Nest on my Balcony

This is an awful photo but I got one of the busy wrens that are building a nest in a decorative tin birdhouse left on my balcony all winter. I don't have the heart to tell them it's going to be too hot in there this summer. I will put an old painted shutter resting overhead on the railing if they are determined to live there all summer long. Both the male and the female are sharing in the hard work of gathering twigs and debris for their family home. Wrens are my favorite little birds because I love their cheerful chattering all day long. This abode is near my rear bedroom window and I look forward to waking up to their birdsong once I can go to sleep with my windows open. xo