Showing posts with label night scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night scene. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2022


Night shadows in the snow are the best, aren't they?
Photo found here.
There are no decorations but it looks like Christmas.
Nature provides the best natural ones!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Moon Last Night with My Cottage Lights On


The moon was still low behind the bare trees in the woods when I went outside Monday night to try once again to capture it. I was shocked to see my red barn lit up and then I remembered I had just put the basement to bed and I must have turned on my outside light by mistake. Anyway, I like it! 

I turned on all of my inside lights before going outside. The inside light on the far right is my pantry that has two windows, one looking out on the front and one looking outside to the back. Next time, I will turn off the lamp at the back window. I had no luck with my camera phone on night mode. Then I turned on LIVE PHOTO and discovered this is the way to go for moon shots. I deleted all but the best shot because they take up so much photo storage. There doesn't seem to be a way to delete the 2 views that were not used. In the old days you could click to keep best photo and automatically delete the others. I have looked and looked and you can't do that now. BUT I found a work around. You can go to Snapseed and save a copy (will be saved as one still photo) or you can email the live photo to yourself and save it to your photos. These copies will be one still photo. Then you can delete the three-in-one live photo. If you are nervous, don't be. Deleted photos are saved for 30 days and you can put it back if you want. There was no reason to save this as a live photo because there was no movement. If you were photographing something cute like a baby talking on a play phone, you might want to save it as a live photo with action. I mention this because a friend send me such a photo of her baby granddaughter having a wonderful conversation on her toy cell phone😂 and most of her words were pure baby talk.

Have a great Tuesday. I hope this isn't too much information you don't understand about iPhones. A live photo magically takes three photos; one before you clicked the shutter, one exactly when you clicked the shutter, and one after you clicked, each one second apart. Then the phone decides which is the best photo. SO an iPhone can time travel and go back in time! This is the only way I can describe what I was talking about above. Hope this helps. xo

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Vintage Christmas Card I Made Years Ago

I just discovered this Christmas Card I made long ago. I lost all the images I created when my desktop computer running Windows XP crashed and took away all my saved photos, photo editing software, Microsoft Word, and so much more. This was around 5 years ago I think. I just found this image on an old phone and I still love it. I scanned the image from one of my books, enlarged it and printed it in black and white on heavy card stock. I still adore everything about the image and the sentiment and this is my wish for you. I picture myself as the woman walking up to her cottage because her driveway hasn't been plowed and she had to leave her car at the bottom of the hill. Such is my life. xo