Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Current Obsession: LOVEJOY on AcornTV

As I have discussed many times, I cut the cord with cable last fall and haven't looked back. I have an inexpensive indoor antenna and I get plenty of channels free of charge on my Air Antenna from Walmart. I bought a used Apple TV, 3rd Generation for $45 for my living room TV. I bought it on the NEXTDOOR APP from a neighbor. It is fine for me since I don't have a smart TV and don't mind searching for something to watch on my iPad. I just got a Chromecast 3rd Generation for my bedroom TV from Target for $29.99. My bedroom TV set is not connected to anything but the electric plug. It doesn't have the rabbit ears antenna my living room set has. I hooked up the Chromecast and now I can stream 2000+ Apps from my iPad. I am in heaven. Lately I have been watching all the old LOVEJOY programs I used to enjoy on PBS. It is a very old series that I discovered very late before PBS canceled the show in my area. It is all about an antiques dealer in England and his two sidekicks and each episode involves a mystery of some sort. The character who plays interior designer Lady Jane is Mrs. Hughes on Downton Abbey when she was young. You will recognize her voice immediately. Read more about this delightful 6-Season program here. I just finished Season 3 and have three more seasons to go. I watch at least one episode every night in my bedroom. I think Acorn TV is the best streaming service to have and the most reasonably priced. If you sign up for one year it's only $5 per month. LOVEJOY is so old you can only find it in a search on Acorn. The cell phones from this time period are are HUGE! Let me know if you are already a fan. If you are not, let me know when you become one. xo