Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Cat Sleeping with Seagull Teddy

So adorable. Do you think Santa brought this stuffed seagull? Don't you love photos of animals with their stuffed toys? via

After reading the comments about this photograph I learned there is a children's book THE STORY OF A SEAGULL AND THE CAT WHO TAUGHT HER TO FLY by Luis SepĂșlveda 

A cat. A seagull. An impossible task. A worldwide bestseller and the subject of a feature film, THE STORY OF A SEAGULL... is finally out in paperback! Her wings burdened by an oil slick, a seagull struggles to the nearest port to lay her final egg. Exhausted, she lands on a balcony where Zorba the cat is sunning himself. She extracts three extraordinary promises from him: that he will watch over the egg, that he will not EAT the egg, and that, when it's time, he will teach the baby gull to fly. The first two promises are hard enough, but the third one is surely impossible. Isn't it?
Interested? Search for a copy using my favorite book search HERE.


annette said...

Oh yes! We had a cat who would carry "beanie babies" around the house and we think that he spoke to them!xo

Tasha T said...

What a cute little kitty with his toy seagull! I've had several cats over the years and they've all cuddled up to a special soft toy when they sleep. I guess it must give them a feeling of companionship and warmth. What do you think, Rosemary?

Pam said...

They are a sweet pair, for sure!

Content in a Cottage said...

annette -- How sweet. I'm sure your cat spoke to his beanie babies. How sweet. I updated this post with more information. Be sure to look. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- My mother used to get out her needle and thread to repair her cat Tabitha's damaged favorite toy. I'm sure your cats loved their soft toys that gave them comfort and warmth. I updated this post because there is a children's book about a cat and a seagull. It sounds darling. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam - I'm glad a passerby captured this darling scene. Yes, it's very sweet. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

UPDATE: I learned there is a children's book about a cat who raised a baby seagull and taught her to fly. More information about the book on this post now. Check it out. You will love it. xo, Rosemary