Monday, November 28, 2022

Silver Tray with Engraved Coat of Arms

This tray is old English Silver Plate, called Old Sheffield Plate, that is very different from dipped silver plate. The silver is actually rolled on over a copper base. I bought it years ago even though the left handle was broken off because I loved the large hand engraved armorial crest in the center.

It must have had an important owner at one time.
I went to google translate for the inscription.
fide et spe
"The faith, and the hope of."

Now I love it even more.
If these old things could only talk!


Tasha T said...

Lovely tray. Indeed, if these old things could speak, what a story they might tell. We should treasure them, even if they're not perfect. The imperfections themselves make the history.

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- I agree. The flaws and minor damage didn't stop me from buying this tray and it's perfect to me. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

That tray is definitely a treasure, Rosemary. Rolling silver must have been painstaking work!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- My tray is a treasure, for sure. Old Sheffield Plate was always over a copper base and after 1830 the process was discontinued by Electroplate over a base of white metal. Mine is an early example and I love the armorial crest. xo, Rosemary