Sunday, September 18, 2022

Almost Time to Store The Watering Cans

I caught up on my mowing over the last three days and it felt good to be outside and working hard. September days are so nice and I want to do some more serious weeding in the front and call it done until next spring. The geraniums that are looking so lovely outside will have to be potted for overwintering in the house. Getting things done before gloves and mittens are needed is my goal. I will be watching, with saddness, the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II tomorrow on BritBox (on a continuous loop all day) saying a final goodbye.😢 


Pam said...

Rosemary, I've been watching the Queen's funeral since early this morning. What an incredible tribute to the late Queen and her family! Knowing that she planned every detail helps us to know her better. Hats off to those loyal Brits who stood for many hours to honor her, and the countless ones who took part in her funeral.

Lisa D. said...

Hello Rosemary. I seem to not be receiving your posts, even though I am a subscriber. I did notice you made some sort of technical change to your blog, but alas, I am a tech illiterate. Can you help me out so that I can again receive your blog posts? Thanks so much.

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa. I didn't do anything that I am aware of to keep you from getting my blog in your email. I have been very erratic of late because of all they work I have been doing on home maintenance. Today was tree work and I literally worked all day long but mountains were moved and I am so happy with everything that was done. I post almost every day so you should just Google Content in a Cottage and my blog will come up. You can also resubscribe. Or send me your email address and I will resubscribe for you. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I had tree men at my property before I finished my first and only cup off coffee or had even brushed my hair. I am thrilled with the work that was done. I kept running to the TV to watch the funeral but did not see it from start to end until 7:00 pm and I feel as if I walked every step of the way. I watched the rerun on World News PBS station and the coverage was absolutely wonderful. There are really no words for the beauty and planning of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. It was perfection from start to end. I watched her Coronation in 1952 and her funeral in 2022. And loved her for the 70 years in between. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- I just noticed I was not getting an email notification from Google on my new posts but I AM getting an email from "" -- that is the email subscription box that appears under my bio when you log in on a computer. Google kept saying they were discontinuing email subscriptions so I guess they finally did.

Hope this helps.

xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. CORRECTION The new subscription box appears ABOVE my bio on the sidebar you see when you log in to my blog on a computer. xo, Rosemary