Friday, August 5, 2022

Crooked Cottage Charm: Renovation

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Robin McCoy grew up in spending every summer in this house and she wanted to maintain all the quirks when renovating from a summer retreat to a year-round residence.

Please read the article. It is a PDF that can be enlarged. 
Click on the + sign next to 100%. 
Best viewed on a computer. 
More photos to love including interiors.


Pam said...

Great article! It must have taken incredible courage for Robin and her builder to take on such a big project. I appreciate the fact that they saw beauty in the crooked places. A life lesson, for sure.

Jean Ellen said...

I loved reading the article about Robin McCoy. Interesting stories of her family as well. Thanks for sharing the article.

Anonymous said...

I think you share an esthetic with the Wyatts and love both of your homes.