Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Boot Room in A Regency Country House

Boot Room

Flower / Mud Room

Great article and more photos here.




Pam said...

I enjoyed reading the article about these wonderful rooms. I think they referred to them as "back of the home" areas. So much attention was paid to making them the workhorses of the house, yet they are very attractive.

annette said...

How do you find these lovely rooms day after day? Thank you xo

Lisa D. said...

Just out of curiosity, what is a mud room? Forgive my ignorance, but I am an uniformed Californian! Thanks, Rosemary.

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- A mud room is a room you can come in soaking wet and not worry about ruining the floor. You can take off your raincoat and hang on a hook and put your umbrella on one too or in a container. The laundry room is usually nearby. Dogs can utilize that room too and there might be a pile of towels nearby to dry them off. It's a room for muddy gardening shoes, kids coming home from school with hooks for their backpacks and cubbies for their other stuff. It's a room for sports equipment too. It is a room you can mess up so the rest of the house stays neat. It's a great room in the winter for snow boots, etc.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I thought "back of the home" areas was such a wonderful description for these beautiful and useful rooms. So much attention to detail to make them efficient and lovely at the same time. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

annette -- I look and look until I find something worthy of my blog. Some days it takes forever and other days I find something interesting or beautiful right away. Thanks for asking. xo, Rosemary