Sunday, June 12, 2022

Red Potted Geranium

Is there any flower that looks better in a clay pot than a red geranium? I think not. If it's not raining for my open house today, I might take one of mine for the front steps. 
I had a great time last night at the firehouse dinner and made a new friend. He's 100 years old, doesn't wear glasses, still drives a car, lives alone in a house nearby, and writes poems for the ladies who bring lunch to him via Meals on Wheels. He does Soduku and his mind is as sharp as a tack. He walks very fast too. He entertained our party of 6 and we all loved him. He came alone while I was waiting for the others and I invited him to sit with us. It was a delight and I plan on visiting him soon. I had zip-lock bags in my purse and we packed up his leftover steak and lots of desserts for his lunch today. MOWs only delivers lunches on weekdays.


Lisa D. said...

That's such a sweet story.

Susan said...

That's so sweet! Which firehouse? New Vernon?

Tara Dillard said...

Zip lock bags in purse.

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. Thank you♡ xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Keeping bags in your purse is brilliant. I'm going to do that! So kind of you to help the gentleman pack up some things to take home. Bet he's feasting today, too. He sounds like a treasure.

Content in a Cottage said...

Susan, You guessed it. The New Vernon Firehouse. They organized a big drive-by when this gentleman turned 100 earlier in the pandemic -- or maybe it was the Senior Citizens' Group. Anyway lots of people drove by with balloons while he stood outside in his yard. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Tara Dillard -- The ladies in the kitchen will give you sheets of aluminum foil for leftovers but I prefer to bring my own bags. I took a big plate of assorted desserts to another senior because I parked in his driveway. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam, He was pretty happy with the thought of a steak sandwich for his Sunday lunch and lots of assorted desserts for 10 o'clock coffee and snacks throughout the day. Here is the verse he composed for his Monday Meals on Wheels volunteer.

Linda, Linda!
I love you so much
Because you're the one
Who brings me my lunch.😂

xo, Rosemary
zip Lock Bags in your purse are always a good idea.

stacey said...

He's a delight and so are you!

Anonymous said...

ohmygosh! I'm late to see this.
but I'm SO GLAD I did!
it is such a joyous occasion. and he is a treasure.
and YOU are amazing! oh my. ok. gush is over.
but it's giving me a smile after this 100+ temp day!
thank you. xo