Thursday, April 21, 2022

Wonderful Toast Rack with Chickens

Isn't this the best toast rack ever?
I have several but they are plain silver ones.
I use them when making toast for a sandwich.
When the slices cool off, I apply mustard or mayo.
If you put a hot slice down flat the bread will sweat.
I honestly don't understand the British tradition of bringing lots of cold toasted bread to the table. In my mind, the hot toast should immediately be spread with butter so it will melt and be eaten right away. Ideally, while standing by the toaster waiting for the next batch to pop up.😂


Lesleyc said...

LOL - this is the first time I've heard of we Brits serving up cold toast!

Mama Pea said...

Agree with your preferred method of eating toast! :o)

Pam said...

Very cute rack! I love my toast hot with lots of butter. Now I'm hungry...

Lisa D. said...

Oh, it is the best toast rack ever! Is this something you were just lucky to snap up at a tag sale, or is it a picture?

Linda A. said...

I agree with you. I never understood the British way of serving toast.
We like our toast warm with melted butter.
The rack is adorable!

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa S. -- Sadly, the toast rack is just a darling photo I found online and isn't mine. I love it too. xo, Rosemary

Susan said...

I love that toast rack and I would use it every morning. I always start my toast before the eggs so it has time to get cold and crunchy! With nice cold butter.