Thursday, March 3, 2022

Home Design with GUSTO

I saw this photo in an article here. I saw several of the decorated chests in the article in person at an elegant estate I toured a while ago and immediately fell in love with the designs and wonderful craftsmanship. The shop is in West Palm Beach Florida. More photos from their website below. Quote from the owners, a mother and her two sons -- “We joke that Casa Gusto is our excuse to justify and continue our hoarding.”

A woven wheelbarrow? Swoon.


Pam said...

Now that's a wall-full of wonderful!! Love blue and white plates of all types. What an interesting story. Thanks for posting it, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Glad you enjoyed it too. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

OMG, I just visited this store's online shop, and it's fabulous!

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- When I visited the realtor open house of a fabulous mansion priced in the $12 million range, I saw many items from this firm. I was immediately drawn to them because of their beauty and quality. There were even two bathrooms with those lovely hand-painted chests converted to vanities with sinks. At last I know the source. I can't find my post with photos but I will keep looking. Let me know what you buy from the website. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- I found one photo I took of a painted chest by this firm in a mansion I toured in 2019. The house had many of these pieces in many different styles and several converted to vanities in bathrooms. If I find other photos, I will post.

xo, Rosemary