Saturday, October 30, 2021

My Afternoon Photos

Is this spooky enough for you on Halloween Eve afternoon? This is a dead tree near my house. I stopped to take a photo on my way home from getting my Covid19 booster shot. 

This tree is on the same street as the dead tree and the sun came out while I was parked. We are getting some great fall color and today turned out to be nice and ended with rain in the late afternoon.

The field behind this stone wall is full of cosmos that will soon be zapped with a killing frost. For now, it is an amazing sight with halloween pumpkins lining the wall. This photo only shows two of them. "Click to enlarge." See you tomorrow. xo


Anita ~ the cabin on the creek said...

I love all of these photos Rosemary. What a treat to find so many photo ops on your route home. It's a beautiful area. I have noticed our fall color is brightening a bit here as well. All the rain this week has my creek singing very loudly these days...I love the sound!

...all is grace!

Caroline said...

oh my...what amazing photos. I love that stone wall and those Cosmos !!! How in the world did they ever get a whole field of them !? I'm going to plant seeds in the Spring I only hope I get a tiny piece of that beauty. Thank you for sharing such beauty. c

Pam said...

Wonderful photos, Rosemary. I hope you do well with your booster shot. I got mine yesterday. Today my arm has been a little sore, but very grateful for the protection!

Noelle said...

Wow amazing pics! Thanks for sharing them.

Penelope Bianchi said...

Wow! So those Cosmos will die back in the frost and then come back in the spring? Yowzers! We don't have that at all!

We do have a bear! This poor bear came down from the foothills because the fire and the drought took away his food (berries and seeds and small animals); and the water. No water in the creek. He came to my coop four times.....and ate 18 of my flock I have had for 44 years!

I got some new chickens (some the same breed, and have two left of the original flock) and repaired the coop,but most importantly, got an electric fence! He has come several times.....since (he leaves a distinct calling card or two); even close to the coop! But not another attack on the flock. Apparently, they recognize the electric fence once it zaps them. Not dangerous to birds or other small animals.....

We love the bear. We want to harm to come to him/or her! But relieved our chickens are now safe. It was heartbreaking!

Content in a Cottage said...

Penelope Bianchi -- Penny -- Those cosmos will not come back next year on their own. The field will have to be plowed and replanted. I think it is more cost effective than weekly mowings and so beneficial to the pollinators.
I am happy to hear your bear is respecting the electric fence so you can maintain your flock of chickens and watch the new chicks grow to maturity. I am glad you didn't resort to any drastic measures but you are too kind for that being the animal lover you are. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Anita ~ the cabin on the creek -- Anita, the sound of the frogs in your creek must be music to your ears. Crickets too. They are a favorite of mine. Hope you are still enjoying raking your leaves. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Caroline. For some reason, this year was the year for wildflower fields all over. Maybe it had something to do with the pandemic and people spending so much time at home. I hope it continues!!! Good luck with your patch of cosmos next year. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I am fine with no side effects from my booster. I am happy for the extended protection too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Noelle -- I'm glad you enjoyed the pics! xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

oh my!
such beautiful pictures of Autumn.
our leaves haven't changed here. not enough rain and no frost yet. though it surely will come soon.
I loved reading all the comments. it's heartening and cozy somehow. like a small village.
blessings to you Rosemary! xo

Lisa D. said...

Just beautiful. This reminds me that I saw a beautiful cloud formation outside my kitchen window this morning and meant to take a picture, but got sidetracked. I love the first photo, and I'm absolutely wild about stone walls. I've long wanted to build one at the edge of my property, but it's just not on my budget right now. Currently I have a redwood fence that was built a number of years ago. It's attractive, but with the fire concerns in CA, it's probably not the best choice. Thanks for the wonderful pics, Rosemary.

Lisa D. said...

Penelope, I'm so sorry about your chickens, but it sounds as if you solved the bear problem.

JudyMac said...

Love your photos, Rosemary! Shot like a pro! I getting flu shot this coming week …. Then the booster the following week.

Content in a Cottage said...

JudyMac -- Judy, I am getting my senior flu shot on Nov. 16th so that gives by booster the full 2 weeks to kick in. I was lucky to get an appointment that worked perfect with my annual Wellness visit. You and I will be almost on the same schedule. I'm glad you enjoyed my photos. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- Maybe one day you will get your stone wall. I love them too. Glad you liked my photos. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, The comments are a gathering friends who enjoy one another. I'm glad I could send a touch of fall your way. xo, Rosemary