Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Bookplate with Borrowing Instructions

Neither blemish this book nor the leaves double down
Nor lend it to each idle friend in the town:
Return it when read -- or if lost, please supply
Another, as good to the mind and the eye.
With right and with reason you need but be friends
And each book in my study your pleasure attends.

I think these instructions from James Moore are very generous and polite, don't you? I found this photo on my computer, saved from long ago. I added the text below. It has always been my experience when I lent a book that I might as well have kissed it goodbye because I rarely got it back without asking for it. xo

1 comment:

Pam said...

Excellent guidelines for borrowing and lending books. I concur with you, Rosemary. Many of the books I have lent over the years are still missing.