Saturday, February 13, 2021

Lytes Cary Manor UK

The arts and crafts-style gardens at this National Trust House in Somerset must be spectacular if these topiaries are examples. Lytes Cary Manor website. Have a great weekend. Mine is off to a lazy start but I am doing things mentally and hope to accomplish something productive later today.


Admin said...

Would love to go there someday. Am enjoying your blog! Best wishes, Vicki

Lisa D. said...

Beautiful. Is this really arts & crafts architecture?

Content in a Cottage said...

lisa, I have no idea about the architecture. One of the articles I read said the plantings were Arts & Crafts-style gardens.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Vicki Arkens -- I am glad you are enjoying my blog. I hope we all can soon travel to wonderful places again.
xo, Rosemary