Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday Night Eventide

I snapped this photo out back just before the end of the day. My lacecap hydrangea is to the right and it's more beautiful than ever this year. My field is looking very nice with some golden tall grasses mixed in with the weeds. The sky had some nice color too. I wish I could capture the fireflies that will be blinking after dark. They are absolutely amazing now that we are having hot summer nights. I finally went to the attic and put a new filter in my air exchanger and fired up my central air for the first time this season. 
Stay cool and have a lively weekend. xo


Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

This is so beautiful! Happy Weekend.

Lisa D. said...

What a beautiful picture Rosemary - especially the cloud formations. Do you mind if I save it in my photos?

Content in a Cottage said...

lisa -- Your request is my highest compliment. Of course you may save this view of my back property to your photos. I always walk all around my cottage before I start putting my house to bed and this was just a quick shot of the natural beauty that surrounds me.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Elizabeth@ Pinecones and Acorns -- Thank you, Elizabeth. I hope you have a Happy Weekend too.
xo, Rosemary

Mama Pea said...

The back of your property looks so different now that you aren't mowing it. Think of all the lovely habitat you're providing for many little critters! You captured a beautiful shot.

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- The "way back" does look different now. I think it was a blessing when my riding mower bit the dust. I really don't have the time to do the marathon mowing I did in the past. Plus I think it's still beautiful. I am sure there is a secret society of unseen creatures living in the overgrowth.
xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

This looks like bee heaven. You should get some hives and make honey.

Gail, northern California said...

The Lacecap hydrangea is so pretty. I love to see white flowers at twilight.