Monday, April 29, 2019

Climbing Roses + Embroidery Stitches

There are so many charming elements wrapped up in a single photo, right?

This handmade cloth needlework book illustrating embroidery stitches is truly a treasure and a work of love. I think this woman is the creator of this embroidery book.


Mama Pea said...

Oh, that cottage! Oh, those roses!

What a treasure that embroidery book would be to pass down through generations.

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- Agreed on both counts. We definitely have the same taste.
xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Oh, that embroidery book! It even has some stitches I've never heard of. What fun it must have been to make that.

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- I wish I could see more of that embroidery book. What a labor of love.
xo, Rosemary

annette said...

I'll have one of each please. xo

Lisa D. said...

Yes to the house, and yes to the embroidery book. You don't find that kind of attention to detail anymore. So sweet.

Pam said...

What a precious cottage! I wouldn't change a thing. Even love the dog and the wooden ladder. The embroidery book reminded me of my paternal grandmother. Every day, she would work on embroidering. She always added her touch to linens, the bodices of my dresses (when I was a little girl), curtains, and aprons. I loved to watch her! She even tatted lace, and that took a lot of time, but it was so lovely. Great memories. Thank you, Rosemary!

Vickie H. said...

What a lovely photo with every perfect touch! And I would love to own that book of embroidery must be worth a FORTUNE. I feel inspired to attempt to replicate if with some good linen and a lot of sweet time, enjoying the process. Thank you for sharing. This blog of yours bring such enrichment to my life!

Unknown said...

That embroidery book looks amazing and something truly wonderful to pass down. If you ever decide to share more of it I would be so interested to see more. I would to create one for my daughter and granddaughter to leave for them.