Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Blueberry Pancakes on the Wood Stove

Blueberry pancakes cooked on a blue wood stove. Yum. I am sure they taste extra delicious cooked this way. I have bright sun and a high today of 43° but it feels warmer because of the sunshine. I understand the deep south is having a heatwave. Mother Nature always likes to tease us in February! xo, Rosemary @ Content in a Cottage


Betty said...

Blueberry pancakes sound wonderful! 72° in South Carolina today. Feels good!

SuSu said...

I want you to know that I now always switch over to your website - it is gorgeous!

Content in a Cottage said...

Betty -- It's chilly again here at my cottage. We had a really hard rain overnight that washed all the salt from my car and that made me happy. I have frozen blueberries on hand for future blueberry pancakes. Maybe this weekend. Enjoy your South Carolina weather.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

SuSu -- Thank you for always switching to my complete blog with the header and the sidebar. I wasn't sure whether or not other readers knew how. xo, Rosemary

JudyMac said...

Yes; 78 degrees today, but it will be all over by tomorrow. Just a teaser. :-)

Content in a Cottage said...

JudyMac -- Judy, I saw a lady in the grocery store on Monday wearing flip flops. I go by the calendar rather than the thermometer when choosing my attire. I had that "super cold" in November that lingered forever and I have been babying myself ever since. So far, so good. It does feel wonderful to feel the warm sun again but I know March will have other ideas before Spring can come.
xo, Rosemary

The Queen Vee said...

I love blueberry pancakes, alas they are something I no longer should I don't. But I still can eat some blueberries and bought some beautiful looking ones just today.

We have been having lots of small snowstorms with larger amounts falling in our mountains. I feel confident that we will have enough for watering this coming summer.

I'm glad to know that you have been taking care of yourself Rosemary. Flu is starting to run it's course around here. I always get my flu shot late in November so it doesn't wear off before flu season is over. I wash my hands a lot, especially after being out and about in the pubic. When I'm in stores I wipe down the cart handles and I spray salt water in my nose morning and night. So far no colds this winter. I know if I get one it will go straight to my lungs and linger far too long. I have asthma so a cold can really make it hard for me to breath.