The unrelenting rain of the past two days really did a number on my peonies. They will look better when I trim them and pick up the fallen petals. I'm so glad it finally stopped. It is still very overcast but the sun is supposed to shine brightly later. If it doesn't, that will be fine as long as it doesn't rain again. Enough is enough. Hark---I see the sun and it's beautiful. Have a great weekend.
Rain can do such a number on pretty peonies! Your yard will be wonderfully green for a while if you have had lots of moisture. Hoping you get out in the sunshine today!
Take care.
Webster and I just got back from a walk. We saw some sun too. It keeps going behind the clouds so it's not hot and muggy yet, thankfully.
Have a great weekend.
xo, Rosemary
That's why I always cut my peonies, before they have a chance to wilt over from the heavy factor and rain! I still have a huge fragrant bouquet from when you were here!!!
Next year I'll try doing that. I cleaned up my peony patch and it looks decent again...until the rain on Monday. I love looking at them outdoors. I can see them from one of my living room windows.
I can't believe your bouquet is still going strong since Memorial Day!!! That is amazing.
xo, Rosemary
The same happened with my hydrangeas. So tired of this rain!
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