I love the look in this particular kitchen. The cutout shelf supports are very nice as are the dishes. I have open shelves in my pantry and there are two windows in the room. Thank goodness it isn't a place that is often viewed close up because the dust is pretty deep in there. via
I love the your dishes. Especially bowl.
I like a wee bit of it, but I need some doors too so I can squirrel things away behind them.
Yes, I really like open shelving in a kitchen. We have it in our farmhouse kitchen and in the kitchen of our log house. There IS the issue of dust. In the log house kitchen, I have an antique linen embroidered with the words "Wash And Keep Clean", which I lay over my clean plates on the open shelves. I don't have open shelves in my city kitchen which we recently renovated. I did put multipaned glass in some of the doors of the upper cabinets and like that look too.
Nope, not a fan of open shelving. Dust collects overnight... and cobwebs? I'm sure spiders have a secret code they use to spread the word I've just vacuumed all around the ceiling, corners and vents.
Have you ever wondered why it is that we take clean silverware and utensils out of the drawer and put clean silverware and utensils back in the drawer that we have to periodically take everything out of that same drawer for a thorough cleaning?
I am *not* a fan of open shelving! Love the look, but it's not practical at all when you have pets. Love my dogs much more, and will put up w/ practicality any day over appearances :- )
I'm a fan of open shelving in other people's kitchens, it always looks so lovely and siimplified in photos. For myself, I don't think I could handle the dust and grease that accumulates on items left out in the open in a kitchen.
Open shelves look nice in someone elses kitchen but for me they are too hard to keep clean and uncluttered. Behind closed doors would be the best for me!Thanks for your delightful blog. Blessings to you and your Mother from Cathy in Idaho
Tojav....I WISH those were my dishes. I liked them too, well enough to post on my blog. click on the link called "via" to find the original source.
xo, Rosemary
Anon....Behind closed doors is best for me too. Sometimes I smash things in my cupboards :)
xo, Rosemary
Teri...HaHa....I squirrel things in my cupboards too.
xo, Rosemary
Maggie...I agree with you. Webster's dog hair is magnetic and I find it everywhere. Another enemy of open shelving is that green tree pollen in the spring.
I need solid doors on my cupboards.
xo, Rosemary
Gail....You know what they say about housework. "It's something nobody notices until you don't do it."
Webster is always sooo happy after I vacuum. I guess he doesn't like dog hair on the rugs and floor either.
I always find crumbs from the kitchen counter in my silverware drawer.
xo, Rosemary
Susan...that embroidered cloth sounds perfect to put over the clean plates. If we love a certain look we make it work. I need solid doors myself for everyday items that get put away in a hurry.
xo, Rosemary
Victoria....Agreed. I think the open shelves in a kitchen would end up being more work.
xo, Rosemary
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