I would add reading lights to the sides of the bookcases and would require a TV on the wall opposite the foot of the bed. Otherwise, it's perfect. Agreed? I'm up on the third floor paying bills and looking at saved photos. I think I must have already blogged this and I have no idea of the photo source. Those old boards with the great patina on the ceiling must have been old floorboards from the attic. I love the cozy size of the room. My own bedroom is about this size. I have bookcases and a television on the far wall. And a window on each side of the bed.
Oh my, my, my. This is a stunning bedroom.
Perfectly creamy-white to complement the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, rustic boarded ceiling. And the wonderful old books all, once again, in keeping with the ceiling.
Yes, it does require mandatory reading lights, for in such a room, reading is a (delightful) must!
And the lovely warm toned print on the wall of a girl, of course... reading :)
Utterly dreamy, mmmmm.
The ceiling may not have been floorboards. The ceiling in my old place was wood just like that. The place was built in 1916 and all the walls, ceiling and floors were wood. The walls and ceilings were papered in the old manner of wallpaper glued to cheesecloth that had been tacked up. Had to tear a lot out as it was falling apart after so many years.
That would be even better if they were original.
I love this bedroom.
xo, Rosemary
The books and the ceiling are perfect together.
I have had this image in my files for some time. I absolutely love this bedroom but I agree, two swing arm lamps on either side of the bookcase would seal the deal! :-)
A good reading lamp is a must in the bedroom -- unless all of your books are eBooks :)
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