I like both of these staircases. Which one do you like better, the yellow and white patterns or the library theme? The yellow stairs appear to be in a residential setting and the library stairs are probably in a book store or a publishing firm. via

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Hi, What a beautiful staircase. Do not know which one I like best. Maybe the library ... have a good day fr. Maria
I love the yellow one best! :) It looks so exotic and Indian!
To me personally they are too busy. A person with bifocals and certain eye problems the business could lead to injury. In the way past I made scrolled wood risers and hot glued them on. I did find a video of a lady who's doing it as a business. Golly I should have done that way back then ;-/
The utube is;
Sorry but I just had to come back...I remembered now back then I wanted to stencil my steps risers first, or put photos or whatever and seal it with clear contac paper. I just wanted to mention these other ideas for you. The wood backs I would have secured with velcro to interchange the wood panels for special holidays ;-)
Yellow is my very favorite color, but I do like the library theme. Tough choice. Neat idea!
P like them both but like the yellow the best.
Being a book lover, I'd say I love the library themed risers, Rosemary. Very creative!
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