Just in case you're wondering about Piggie, he's fine. All is well and he's bonded with Webster and now they play together. Webster went through his basket of toys and pulled out a Babar stuffed toy and presented it to Piggie on the sofa this morning. It was hilarious. Actually Webster wanted his small elephant squeeky toy back and was pulling a bait and switch which did not work. Haha. Webster hasn't played with that toy in years. I was amazed that he found the only other elephant he owns for this failed mission.
A wet sleet has been falling for the last few hours but it melts as soon as it hits the ground. My outside thermometer says it's 40 degrees. I hope this doesn't present a problem later when it gets colder. I have to go out but don't have to drive more than a few blocks to have another feast with friends.
Be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
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OMG what a face!!! How could you not just love that precious little face. And what a wonderful (and quite clever) boy Webster is!
Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Tina xo
Piggie is so cute! We had some snow flurries. Yay! Glad you are able to stay close to home, if it is sleeting. I am still recouping from the 1st feast at my sister-in-laws. I do the cooking tomorrow for my family. At least I have 24 hours before we feast, again :)
My favourite post of the week Rosemary! Thank you for lots of smiles here this Saturday morning courtesy of Webster the Wonder Dog & his sidekick Piggie.
Millie ^_^
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