Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sheep Clog Tunnels in Italy

You have to click on this photo to see it bigger. Isn't this Italian shepherd amazing? Can you imagine if you were in a car behind this flock and had to get through? Forget it. The sheep got there first. Italian sheperd Luigino Balzan and his flock are reaching San Boldo pass. Quite a feat for 2 men and 2 dogs. Found on Flickr. So this is how the sheep get to the other side of the mountain. Who knew? 

1 comment:

The Queen Vee said...

While living in Europe we drove several times from Germany to Italy via Switzerland. On one of our visits we chatted with a gentleman from Ohio. He was in Italy studying tunnel engineering, and as I recall, he said that the Italians were some of the best in the world at tunnel building. I can believe it because we would drive through 135 tunnels each way to and from our destination going through the Gotthard tunnel in Switzerland (third longest in the world) and ending up on the Italian border. Now about those sheep............amazing photos.