Monday, June 22, 2009

Life's Little Instruction Book, page 104 + Laundry On My Mind . . .

...To be continued...

My back is almost well. No more muscle spasms as of late Saturday night. I am still taking it easy. Never want to pull a muscle or strain my back again. Thanks for all of your notes of concern. I have the greatest blog readers and I really am touched by such caring.

I can't remember the last time I was able to hang the wash outside. Maybe Tuesday will be rainless. I love these posts. My clothes line is stretched between two trees.

What a great idea ... A drying yard with a brick floor. Your clothes are shielded from the street too because of the lattice sides. Swoon. This is definitely on my dream list.

Content in a Cottage


Cherdecor said...

I missed reading about your strained back, but glad to know that it is better.

I wonder if we are going to have this much rain for the rest of the summer. Last week I washed down the walls of our bath and bedroom. This morning the bathroom door had mold on the side where we hang our bath towels to dry. UGH! We feel like we are living in a rain forest! I got out the Lysol and started cleaning again. I will have to start hanging towels somewhere else to dry. (maybe in the dryer)

Tracy Watier said...

Hi Rosemary. Sorry I haven't been commenting much lately. Super busy...
I miss my clothesline. It was here at our house when we bought it 15 yrs ago but we redid some things on that side of the yard and it had to come down in the process. I've thought a lot about how to put up a new one, but there always seem to be other priorities. One of these days...

~softsecret~ said...

That "drying yard" is so cool! What a great idea! I dont have a line, but my Mom sure did and she used it too! When she did laundry (always on Mondays :-), when I was a real little girl, the laundry always went outside on good days, and in the basement, on the line down there, on bad days! Of course the dryer was a HUGE lifesaver for her and millions of women like her! And me!! I want the "drying yard"!