Monday, May 18, 2009

Life's Little Instruction Book, pages 91 . . .

...To be continued...

I finished all my trimming around the house and critical areas in the yard. It is finally looking good after all that rain. Too bad it's freezing! It feels exactly like San Francisco weather...crisp, breezy and cool. It is actually quite nice, I like sweater weather. Happy Monday. Enjoy the day.

Content in a Cottage

1 comment:

Gal Friday said...

It WAS cold yesterday(never got over 50*F here and I even turned on our heat for a little bit when I got in from work, breaking my "after May 1st, the heat is off" rule)
My yard is still not quite up to snuff(never is, actually) but always at this time of year, things start to come together and everything is blooming. I love it!
Enjoy these sunny days to come, Rosemary(and the Webster, too).
As for the rules above...I have never liked playing cards anyway, so would have no problme following that one, but I do think I need to limit my internet time a little, especially at this time of year.